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Flooding - sigh

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I'm issuing an invitation to all of you - come attend my pity party!!! :crying:


On top of all the other things I am dealing with related to our international move in 3 weeks, Tuesday night after the kids were finished with their baths I was in the kitchen and noticed our downstairs bathroom, laundry, hallway and garage were flooded and saw water spewing out from where the commode meets the floor. Turned off the water to the toilet, called our landlord, didn't think it was a big deal and agreed to have the handyman come and look at it Wednesday. Weds. morning, DH was taking his shower and the whole darn thing flooded again. So, not the toilet, but probably a drain issue and it was the kids' baths draining last night that resulted in the first flood. Handyman is on another job and says he will be by in the afternoon. DS8 goes to use his bathroom upstairs......downstairs floods again. Handyman comes over, says there is no way he can fix it and we have to call a plumber. Plumber will be here this afternoon, but in the meantime I cannot do dishes (both the dishwasher and the kitchen sinks cause flooding), bathe, wash clothes, or use anything other than 1 toilet that (as of yet) hasn't caused flooding.


In lieu of gifts for this pity party, please just send good vibes that nothing else goes wrong. My mum and uncle are driving down to San Antonio from Montreal to pick up my Great Pyrenees and cat (my mum will be keeping them for us) and my DH has to bring our Dane to Montana so his sister can keep the Dane for us, so I really want good road trip vibes for them.

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I really feel for you! On the morning of my father's memorial service (just last month) we woke up to a burst pipe in my mother's house. Water had been spewing out of her bathroom during the night and had flooded the kitchen downstairs. The ceiling looked as if it was going to collapse. It was TERRIBLE timing. I couldn't believe how calm my mother remained through the ordeal.


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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My 6YO flooded my house the last day of April by sticking a hand towel in the toilet that had running issues - 4th time that thing had flooded, but this was the worst of them all (2nd time he put a towel in it, why, I don't know - he is a little 'special'). I have no carpet in 3 areas. It sucked, but this too shall pass. A month later and it's better and we are making improvements to the house we wanted to anyways. :) And the company that deals with the flooding couldn't get to my house for over an hour, so we had all the water cleaned up by the time they got there.


I feel for you.

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