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So, my 6 y/o dd said to me tonight, "mom...

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I don't think I am going to know how to read or spell until I am a grandma." Then, my heart sank. She is almost 7. I just gave her a big hug and went on with telling her that we are all good at different things, and somethings take longer for some of us. I reminded her how awesome she is at downhill skiing and biking.

Any suggetstions? It' so tough when she see her older sister, who is only 18 months older, reading 300 page books in one day.

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Those conversations are so hard! I've had quite a few like that with my DS7. What has helped was just to educate him about himself and his amazing mind. We talk about what a right brain learner is, what dyslexia is, and how different is not inferior/wrong. We talked a lot about why public school was not going well for him - that they just don't teach the way he learns. He came up with a great analogy - he said that public school was dog school and he is a cat. Homeschool is cat school, LOL. I would just keep reinforcing that there are lots of other kids like her out there and there is nothing wrong with who she is!

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Yeah, I hear ya. My heart broke tonight when ds stumbled over the word "intellectual" multiple times. It didn't matter that he could identify the prefix, the vowels, and the word parts, that dipthong messed him up big time and he could not pronounce it properly. He got so upset and frustrated that he then tripped over speaking the word "dyslexia" while blaming it! It is really hard to see a kid struggle when they know they should get it. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: Awwww. :grouphug:


I am not sure your story but your little one is still very young! When I taught Kindergarten and First, there were many children who did not really pick up reading until mid second grade. Wouldnt that be more like 8? We used to read Leo the Late Bloomer.

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