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A benefit to the necessity of being frugal...

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This economic downturn has caused me to learn so much...I can garden, we can use more wood, less oil to heat the house, and the big one...I can wash cloth diapers MYSELF!!


My front end loader went on the fritz last night. I also happened to run out of clean cloth diapers, wipes, AND used the last disposable diaper during the night. I woke up this morning w/the choice of either buying expensive disposables at the store(we're on a very tight budget right now, that would have very painful) or going to the laundromat w/5 kiddos...equally painful.


Then it occurred to me....I could wash them.....(gulp) by hand. Didn't people used to wash their clothes that way?? I couldn't imagine doing it but was curious.


I decided to google for information and what do you know, found the info I needed and I washed all of the diapers by hand today, dried half of them in the dryer for immediate use and dried the rest in the sun. It's not real fun, but I feel so, so capable!!


It was such a great feeling, I actually had joy in my heart while I was scrubbing away and singing praise to God.


Isn't that something??:)

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That's making some lemonade, girl. WTG!


And I agree, learning a new skill is a tremendous boost. I once read an article about a young couple that learned how to do a lot of complicated repair & construction skills out of frugal necessity, but were quite rightly proud of themselves and what they had learned. The woman's memorable quip was "It's wonderful what you can manage to do, if you can read and have a brain."

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