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Oil cleaning method?

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I don't do the oil cleaning, but what I do is not wash my face in the shower, as in NO SOAP or cleanser at all. I just run hot water on it and rub with a cloth.

Then, right when I get out I put coconut oil on it rub it in really good. Sometimes if I have gotten it too oily I wipe it off with a dry towel, usually I just leave it.

I started doing this last year when I was having trouble with psoriasis (dry flaky skin on my forehead) and my skin has never been nicer. My acne (yes, at 37) is cleared up and I don't have that itchy bad feeling anymore.

I don't do this every day. About every 3-4 days. That is how often I shower.

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I used to do it, but I got out of the habit. I loved how my skin felt (really helped w/overall oil control), but it didn't do much for blackheads (which I was hoping it would help). I used jojoba and castor oil mixed together, light on the castor oil. In the morning, I would splash my face w/water and use some coconut oil.

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I just started a few weeks ago and I. LOVE. IT. This is the only face cleansing routine I've kept up for more than about 3 days.


What I use:


Castor oil (20%) and EVOO (80%). I mixed up 1 tsp/4 tsp. when I started, and my sister and both used it while she was here for a week, and I've continued using it for another 2.5 weeks and I still haven't run out. Cheap and easy!!


I only wash every 2nd day - usually after I shower. 1) I have a shower to let the steam open up my pores, then get out and while I have the towel wrapped around my hair, apply the Cleansing Oil and massage in and around for a few minutes. 2) Run a facecloth under steaming hot water, wring, lay on face, leave until cooled, scrub off to exfoliate. 3) Repeat step 2 with other side of cloth. 4) Apply coconut oil for moisture, let sit for a few minutes while coconut oiling whole body for moisture. 5) Blot excess CO off face with end of hair towel.


~My face feels so soft and smooth - I can't stop touching it!

~It did help get rid of a black head right along my lip that I've battled with for about 2 years that would. not. come. out. before. It was too deep. Gone after the first week of OCM.

~My pores appear much smaller - probably because they are actually clean.

~Now, if I do get a little blemish (I've only had 2), it is small and gone within 24 hours and is most likely just my skin purging the junk that hasn't been cleaned out in a while.

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Yes, I've been doing this for years. It works great for me. You may have to tweak your method and oils to fit your own needs. I know castor oil did not get along well with my skin, but I do well with jojoba and coconut oil. WHen I need something heavier, sometimes in the winter I'll use olive oil.


It removes my makeup, leaves my face less stripped of oils and more normal, and it is inexpensive.


I laugh when I see the price of the Shu Uemera cleansing oils...most of them contain primarily mineral oil and corn oil with a few other oils (jojoba, macademia etc.) mixed in. The price is craaaaaazy.



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I apply almond oil to my face a few times a week and leave it on for about 30 minutes or longer. Then I rinse off with ice cold water. Feels wonderful.

I don't wear make up and don't do much as far as cleansing goes, other than washing in the shower and exfoliating a few times a week.

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