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Is anyone using ProfessorB?


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Here are a couple threads.


I just signed up for the online version a couple days ago. On the whole I'm very impressed. I will be canceling my subscription at the end of the month, but I will be purchasing the books and maybe gradually the software.


I really need the books though. I find that some of the animations are too quick for me. In the early lessons, I cannot see if the thumbs are up or down, and then figure out which number is being represented, before it is gone, and the lesson does not provide answers. So the student will be looking for confirmation from me, and I will not be able to provide it.


Also organizationally, I really need to be able to sit down with a book.


If money were not so tight, I would probably get the books, but also spend at least one month each, using the online versions at each level, as teacher training, but I need to seriously cut back right now. I'm going to try and wing it with the books alone, and gradually invest in the software as I can.


I think maybe there are online lessons that are NOT included in the books, from things people have been telling me.

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Glad to hear you like Professor B so far. The work with the fingers goes on for a large portion of the first book as I remember. If you can please keep me updated on your use of the books with older students. Professor B had some great success stories so I think it could be a good method for you. Anyway what you are doing fascinates me. From what I have read really admire your work.

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Glad to hear you like Professor B so far. The work with the fingers goes on for a large portion of the first book as I remember. If you can please keep me updated on your use of the books with older students. Professor B had some great success stories so I think it could be a good method for you. Anyway what you are doing fascinates me. From what I have read really admire your work.


I think this series is going to work well for us. I'm excited about it. I can't wait to see the books, especially the upper level books. If I like this series as much as I hope I will, you will get bored hearing about it. I can get repetitive about my favorite resources. It is just so nice when I find resources that WORK for me.

Edited by Hunter
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I am sooooo excited that the TOS Crew is getting to review Professor B. We will have access to all 3 levels of the online E-Learning. I think our reviews will post towards the middle of July.


I was at our local used curriculum store yesterday and found a copy of both Level 1 and Level 2 books. From logging on today, though, I think I will be very thankful to have the videos to help us get started!


I'll be posting on my blog as we use this over the next several weeks. From what I have read about Professor B and have seen so far, this looks like something that my family will be using for quite some time.

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I am sooooo excited that the TOS Crew is getting to review Professor B. We will have access to all 3 levels of the online E-Learning. I think our reviews will post towards the middle of July.


I was at our local used curriculum store yesterday and found a copy of both Level 1 and Level 2 books. From logging on today, though, I think I will be very thankful to have the videos to help us get started!


I'll be posting on my blog as we use this over the next several weeks. From what I have read about Professor B and have seen so far, this looks like something that my family will be using for quite some time.


I don't know what TOS crew is. I went to the website, but don't know what it is, and see nothing about Professor B.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My books came in today. I sure am glad that I signed up for a month of online and saw that first. The books are great but I wouldn't have known they were great without the online introduction. There are almost no diagrams. In all 3 books there are a mere handful of fraction diagrams.


I've never seen a conceptual book with no diagrams! The instructions and scripts DO teach concepts, but a lazy reader will give up before noticing that they do.


I think this is going to work well, but I think I will need cheap $1.00 Scholastic supplemental worksheets. And I really think the RightStart games and purple Al Abacus set will be a welcome supplement. And maybe something for Geometry. With unlimited funds, I would purchase Learn Math Fast Geometry, but funds are NOT unlimited.


I do think I can get away with this as a stand alone curricula for awhile, with just the Scholastic mastery workbooks I downloaded, at the last sale.


And again, I sure am glad I had a month of online for teacher training. I can see I will prefer the books for teaching, though.

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We have used Professor B all the way through. We did the books for Levels 1 and 2, and the CD for 3. My son is in the first Algebra book, and my daughter is in the second. It has been great for us. The only caveats are that you need to supplement learning about money/change (we used the game Presto-Chango) and geometry (we used the Key To . . . series).

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We have used Professor B all the way through. We did the books for Levels 1 and 2, and the CD for 3. My son is in the first Algebra book, and my daughter is in the second. It has been great for us. The only caveats are that you need to supplement learning about money/change (we used the game Presto-Chango) and geometry (we used the Key To . . . series).


Thanks! I had forgotten about the Key To series for geometry!


I think the RightStart games have a substantial number of money games, but I'm not sure. I'll have to ask in another thread. And that is one area where living books and all sorts of other resources are easy to find and I think a superior way to teach the concept. I'll have to google Presto-Chango. I do really want to put together a comprehensive money unit, as I think it's important. Money was added to the book 1 online lessons. I'll have to quickly review those again before I cancel my subscription.

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