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Please help motivate me to start school next week!

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My plan has been to begin school the 2nd week of July but even after a 9 week break I am dragging my feet. I'd delay the start, except that we found out we are expecting "bundle-of-joy" #6 in early January, so I want to get as much school done before then as possible so we can lay off for a month or so when the baby comes. I have a 7th grader, 4th grader, and K'er (plus 3yo and 1yo).


Here's my to-do list:


Register with umbrella program (can be done online)

Sort through playroom toys (this is 1/2 done)

Put away last years books/supplies (I know it's pathetic I haven't done this yet)

Get out/organize books for coming year.

Buy basic supplies - paper, binders, pencils, etc.

Set up daily lesson routine and go over w/kids (esp. 7th gr. and 4th gr.)

Photocopy worksheet pages and organize into binders.


I know things will be easier once I'm over the nausea :tongue_smilie:. I just need a bit of motivation!

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I have almost all of EK's books, and I've done a little planning, but it's just too soon! And ER won't be starting school with us; he won't move into his dorm until late August. We're going to take all the same holidays he does once he starts classes, and will finish up in early May when he does, but EK is required (state law) to have 180 days of classes & ER will have about 6 weeks less class time than that.

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Congratulations! How exciting for you! I wish I could motivate you to get going, but I'm in the same boat I'm afraid. I just turned in our portfolios today (actually just our evaluator form) and really am looking to start some kind of Amer. Hist. study this week. But, I have to put away last years curriculum and books, get next year's together, sort toys, purge toys and books, sell books, clean house (hah!), etc. Dc won't be finished swim team until late July so that makes it difficult b/c practice is in the am. I'm wondering if we'll ever start! My goal is to start "real" school by Aug. 1. We'll see...Good luck to you!

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I would have the children help me as much as possible. The first week you might consider easing into the subject areas so you're not doing a full schedule until the second week. Also, it would be fun for everyone if you went out somewhere or did something special the first day of school.


It's always harder to get back into the swing of things, but you can do it!

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Denial, denial, denial, denial, denial........


Followed by that subtle, nagging, little voice in the back of my head reminding me that my children need to be educated.


I. Must. Start. School!


I can't blame the moving- even though the house is still a wreck, I *do* know where the schooling materials are, and I have table surfaces available.


I have a "to-do" list that goes to two pages typed. Preparations for the new baby, preps for my dh leaving on deployment, organizing my new home after losing 40% square footage....


There will always be something. I might as well get going. :auto: I'm sure this was no help. But it helped me :tongue_smilie:.


Off to accomplish something,


Jo [Ruminating: I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this ;)]

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We will start tomorrow, the earliest day possible to register and begin our "180 days." Starting early allows us to take off days as needed and without worry. We did this last year, and we only had about 8 days left to complete by the time May rolled around. We don't take a lot of long breaks, but a 4-day school week isn't uncommon.

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We are getting ready to start next Monday too, and I am not quite ready either, I still have binder filled with last years work. I have yet to finish planning everything.UGH but I do have our "routine" planned, chores sheet, history sheet and all but 2 classes planned so I am getting there!



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Just keep moving moving moving...


Well Jo, at least you have the excuse of a household turned upside down! Or inside out? Squeezed into a space warp?


And duh! My 3 older kids DO have working arms and legs. The two older ones are even somewhat coordinated and can carry stuff from one room to another. Excellent idea.

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