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Sonlight Core F & Further Up and Further In unit study


I would  

  1. 1. I would

    • place both children in Further Up and Further In (dd11 can wait one more year.)
    • place both children in Sonlight Core F.
    • place dd11 in Sonlight Core F and ds9 in Further Up and Further In.

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My dd11 wants to go ahead with Sonlight Core F. My question is whether or not ds9 should do Core F with her or do the Further Up and Further In unit study (found here: http://www.cadroncreek.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=Narnia). I have the materials to do both (thanks to some great deals on used items), so the cost is not an issue. I had originally planned to do Further Up and Further In with both dc this year because I wanted to wait until ds9 was older before doing Core F, but my dd11 has her heart set on doing Core F this year. My ds9 will be happy either way--he says he "can't choose.";) So, what would you do?

Edited by freeindeed
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My daughter started Core F at almost 11 and that is the absolute youngest I would start. 9 yo would be way to young for some of the themes and the rigorous research.


Thank you. That is what I'm thinking, too. I am leaning toward using Core F with dd11 and FUFI with ds9.

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My thinking is putting them both in FUFI. I tend to want to keep kids together as much as possible. Plus if your dd doesn't do FUFI this year she may never get to it. I am thinking that once she starts is she will really enjoy it.

Now if your dd is on the brink of tears I would change my answer. ;)

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I didn't vote but we have done both of those programs. I have a couple of questions though....is your ds9 planning on reading the Narnia series himself? Is he a really good reader? We loved the books as read-alouds because there is some difficult vocabulary and to really understand everything that is going on, it worked better for us to read the books aloud and then discuss them and do the activities in FUFI.


Just a thought...

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I would read the Narnia books aloud to ds9 and then we would do the activities together. With dd11, if she does SL Core F, I would read aloud the history and read-aloud books and she would do the rest on her own, but I would be available to help her with research and projects.

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My thinking is putting them both in FUFI. I tend to want to keep kids together as much as possible. Plus if your dd doesn't do FUFI this year she may never get to it. I am thinking that once she starts is she will really enjoy it.

Now if your dd is on the brink of tears I would change my answer. ;)




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:DWell, I talked with dd11 and she agreed to go with FUFI this year. I am really excited! While I love Sonlight (and will be returning to it after this year), I am looking forward to a more relaxed schedule and more time to follow rabbit trails. I think it will breathe some fresh air into our homeschool. Plus, the Narnia series is one of my favorites. I can't wait to start planning!:)

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:) I was discussing with dd11 last night some of the topics covered in FUFI, and she really got excited. Many of them are things that interest her. Plus, I bought several books at Goodwill yesterday that are related to FUFI topics. Looks like it was meant to be! Thanks to you guys for your input.

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