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My toddler wants a baby...

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... and apparently he has tired of trying to be subtle in his request. DS1 has always, always, always (even when he was a little baby himself) loved babies - especially little newborns. I believe that the day he woke up to discover he had a little brother (a baby of his own! that he could keep!) will probably go down as one of the greatest days of his life.


In the last month or so he has apparently decided that DS2 is no longer a "baby", but rather a "brother" or "insert DS2's name" and a wonderful playmate. They play for hours together - but DS2 is no longer a baby, and DS1 has been making cute little toddler hints about that fact.


So yesterday, after spending a good 30 minutes playing peek-a-boo with a friend's 3 month old, and another 20 minutes or so staring at another neighbor's newborn and singing to her, he turns to me and our conversation goes something like this:


"Mama, I want a baby."






"But what about Daniel (DS2)?"


"Daniel is a brother, not a baby. I want a baby."


And then, this morning (just in case the conversation wasn't direct enough) DH called me out to the family room where DS1 had managed to find and pull out a lot of the newborn sort of things (a few leftover little diapers, a spit up cloth, blankets - which he made into a bed in a laundry basket etc). DS1 then proceeded to put on Cheaper by the Dozen and point out all the babies, and then all of the kids to me saying "Like that mama, like that!"



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That is so sweet! I expected the baby gaga stuff from my daughter, but I was so pleasantly surprised to see my boys do it too. DS1 thinks the sun rises and sets on his little brothers, and DS2 is the same way about DS3. In fact, DS2 (3 1/2) told me the other day, "Mama, I want LOTS of babies, boy babies AND girl babies." When I tell the kids that I don't know if we'll have more babies or not, they all get really sad at the idea (okay, so do I; I'd have a hundred babies if I could). I hope that means our boys will grow up to be good daddies!

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LOL, he sounds persistant.


Shortly after bringing home baby #2, toddler #1 announced that he'd like us to go to the hospital and pick up another one. Now that was all very well and good from his perspective, but baby #2 didn't sleep, nursed practically around the clock, and hated anyone but mama to hold him. I was exhausted.


We firmly informed toddler #1 that the hospital was all out of babies. It was years before he asked again.

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I don't know what you'll think of this suggestion...because I know it's not the same thing as a *real* baby...but maybe he'd be satisfied, at least for awhile, with a baby doll. He could practice being a daddy by feeding it, changing it, rocking it, wrapping it up in a blanket, etc. I know that some people seem to frown on a boy having a doll....but, he's only 3. It's not like he'd be 10 and still have it.

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Oh, that is too cute!


My oldest had just turned 2 when ds#1 was born. When dh brought her to the hospital for the first time, she marched in and called out, "Where's my baby?!" They've been best friends ever since. :D

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That is beyond adorable! The pushing point to get my DH onboard with #3 was when I walked in on my oldest on her knees praying her little heart out to send her a baby brother. The day after my positive hpt she started picking things out for her new brother. I didn't tell them about the baby, she just knew.

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When I brought my younger ds home from the hospital, older ds (barely 2 1/2) declared that he wanted a baby sister. 'But you HAVE a baby sister' (dd was 17 mo). No, I want a LITTLE baby sister (the first one got bigger than him by the time they were 7 and 8, and is now 6 inches taller and 20 lb heavier). He was persistent. It took 4 years. Dh and I had pretty much given up on the idea, as I had a bunch of early miscarriages and the doctors couldn't seem to get my thyroid right ... but eventually, he DID get that baby sister, when he was 6 1/2 ... she's an intense kid who drives her siblings cra y a lot of the time, and sometimes ds1 is the only one who can manage her.

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I don't know what you'll think of this suggestion...because I know it's not the same thing as a *real* baby...but maybe he'd be satisfied, at least for awhile, with a baby doll. He could practice being a daddy by feeding it, changing it, rocking it, wrapping it up in a blanket, etc. I know that some people seem to frown on a boy having a doll....but, he's only 3. It's not like he'd be 10 and still have it.



We did this for my son :) It was a blue baby doll if that helps. :D But he loved it!

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