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Tell me not to be hurt.....

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but nobody has reached out in response to my efforts. Nobody has called me, texted me, etc......and I was NOT invited to a child's birthday party that we had previously been invited to verbally (not J's child).


You deserve better than that. They weren't friends -- they are, however, a group of mean girls who haven't evolved emotionally or relationally since age 12.


It will take awhile, but one person at a time, meet new people and move slowly..


YOU be the person who decides whether or not you will let someone into your life. Guard your personal home life fiercely...be friendly...be reasonable..but practice self-preservation.



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I would delete them. There is no need to see whatever is going on in their lives nor do they need to know what is happening in yours. They'll do one of three things: Never notice, send you a friend invite, or ask you about it. If they don't notice, you've lost nothing. If they send a friend invite, you'll know they want to be at least somewhat involved in your life and you can decide then if that's a good thing for YOU. If they ask, you can tell them that you were clearing out your FB list and had deleted people whom you weren't close to.

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Part 1 is HERE. Part 2 is HERE.


....and thank you :)




This is one of the most bizarre things I have ever heard of, and believe me when I tell you that I have been on the receiving end of some really weird, painful, unbelievable conversations. I cannot top this.


This woman is crazy. She doesn't deserve you. Hide her on FB (if you un-friend her, she can send you friend requests if she gets her head on straight; if you hide her, she's stuck in limbo). Hide anyone else involved, even peripherally. And then do this..





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