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For a High Schooler who has not done any Latin: which program??

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FF is MP- it's goes through more info at a faster rate than LC (FF gets into declensions right away). You get a ton of grammar with FF- you still have vocab, saying, grammar, translation just like with LC- it follows the same tried and true formula of all the MP products (which I personally love).


DS did LC I and II, then we went through a couple years of goofing around after the fire (tried CLAA- fail) then First Form. Ds said a couple weeks ago that he remembered how much he loved Latin-we talked about switching to Henle but he wants to do FF II and III this summer and next year to keep the momentum and keep the joy of it. For that alone, it's a win in my book.

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I would consider Linqua Latina if you are not planning on 4 years. We have only used the text ocassionally but we do like it. It is clear and you start translating instantly. Intuitive like Cambridge but less expensive. The answer key is for both years.


That being said dd14 is doing Henle primarily. My ds12 is currently doing Cambridge 1 with no study guide except Dd and I. It is working. He will go back to Henle when we get a bit more grammar drilled. We are also weaving Linqua Latina into this.


First Form is also great. We just were not sure that it would be ready when we needed the next book!

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