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You Tube parental controls?

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If you go to YouTube's main site and scroll down to the very bottom of the page, it will say "safety" click on that and turn it "on"


The anime he had looked at before doesn't even pop up as available! YEAH!


Now to find a good internet parent control for the actual computer.

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i confess i bought my 6 year old an annoying orange shirt at walmart a couple of weeks ago. He was thrilled.


There is a whole fruit salad of annoying characters too. There is a lemon, apple, pear, banana, and something that looks like a marshmallow.

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I just looked. Thankfully, the children weren't around. Whew.


For whole-network security, by the way, we use OpenDNS. Our router directs through their server for lookup, and I use their dashboard to control what content level is acceptable. Anything that connects to our wifi has the same controls, since it's router based. ;)

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If you go to YouTube's main site and scroll down to the very bottom of the page, it will say "safety" click on that and turn it "on"


The anime he had looked at before doesn't even pop up as available! YEAH!


Now to find a good internet parent control for the actual computer.


Thank you for this! I had to ask my DS to stop looking things up on Youtube after several inappropriate stuff came up. He's been pretty bummed about that, and will be thrilled when I tell him he can do so again.

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