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messy art, or different art -- something for summer

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spam me your blog posts, or other suggestions, of great art for 2 boys 4.5 and 6.5 -- i try hard druning the summer to do messier art, to branch out and try new things, and so far this year i am not finind much. i am NOT creative but love to steal ideas.



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I usually raid the library's arts and crafts section in the library when I need inspiration. Also, I keep What Your X Grader Needs to Know books on shelf and read the art section and do activities from it. They are not so messy, but they are great for art appreciation and some ideas for projects.

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Some of my favorites are:


Shiny paint - mix corn syrup, water, and food coloring


Sidewalk paint - mix corn starch, water, and food coloring. (Add the cornstarch SLOWLY) Use durable brushes.


Jackson Pollack style splatter painting - best done outside on poster board or white fabric. You can use condiment squirt bottles to squirt paint or paint brushes to splatter it.


Pink and Green Mama (which I am no way affiliated with) has an ebook of plans for a messy outdoor art camp for $10. (I'm sure you can find most of the ideas on the web, but if you want to save yourself some time...)

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Our favorite Art books for that age were:


Scribble Art by MaryAnn Kohl

Science Art by MaryAnn Kohl


An activity my boys used to do was 'baking' on their own. They would just take a variety of ingredients and mix them together. We always baked the mixture and tasted the creation. Both my boys love to cook and bake today at 13 and 11. We called this chemistry.


Hope this helps.

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