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Terrible pain in gums/jaw under crowns after bad night of grinding?

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The crowns are not new. They're two connected crowns on my upper left. I do grind/clench most nights but I've never really had pain like this before. (I did have a similar experience, but not so bad, and it went away after a day or so). I'm on day 3 of this pain, and it's not decreasing. I've been taking ibuprofen and staying away from that side of my mouth, but it's still just as bad.


Has anyone had experience with something like this? Could I have damaged the bone or something? The real tooth next to the crown doesn't hurt at all, but the crown aches and is sore if my tongue even touches it.


I guess I really, really need to track down that stupid mouthpiece :( I just can't sleep with it in my mouth; it's so distracting that it keeps me awake.


TIA for any advice you can offer.

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The only thing I can add is that I also grind my teeth but I'm getting physical therapy for it, and it is definitely lessening.


Thanks. When the ibuprofen's working, it's not so bad. But the transition phase when the med wears off is really bad :(


What kind of physical therapy are you getting, if you don't mind my asking? I've heard people talk about chiropractic treatment for it, but not PT.

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I think my dd may have had this, but not as severe or long-lasting. At first, we couldn't figure out what the pain was from. There was one day when it was unbearable for her. The dentist thought it was a bruised ligament from grinding/clenching hard. He filed down the area, so subtly that you would never know, where that tooth was hitting the teeth above, and it immediately improved and never happened again.


If it doesn't go away in a day or two, you may want to ask your dentist to take a look. It is possible that there could be some kind of infection or the root of the tooth where the crown sits has been damaged. I had that kind of damage from biting into meat with something in it (bone?). The tooth split so I had to get a crown. Many months later at a cleaning, the dentist found that there was an infection there caused by the original damage, even though I didn't feel it. I didn't act right away because I wasn't in pain, but later developed an abcess. Abcesses under crowns are not uncommon, I think, and it's not something you'd want to ignore.



I hope your pain goes away and you figure out a solution. :grouphug:


P.S. If you wind up having to go on antibiotics for this, please pm me.

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I saw the local ENT who specializes in bruxism & he recommended either an appliance or PT. the appliance cost $1,000 so I chose PT. it's just regular PT. all my jaw muscles are stiff from yrs of teeth grinding, so she presses on them to break up the fibers (not sure of the technical terms for all this) and then has taught me some exercises. I've been doing this about 3 wks & the pain & tension is much less,also my jaw snaps & clicks less. Before I saw her I tried exercises on my own I found online-- didn't help. I have one crown from cracking a tooth By grinding-- hopefully no more. Good luck!

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I think it sounds like TMJ to me!!;)


It is probably caused from grinding your teeth when you sleep.


In our household it was helped by a dental guard at night...

But it occasionally rises up & is dealt with by using Tylenol.;)

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I wanted to update and say thanks for the help. After three incredibly bad days, it finally occurred to me to get some heat and cold on that side of my mouth, so I spent some time alternating with ice packs and heating pad on my cheek. The next morning I felt some real progress! Yesterday was still pretty bad, but I felt the pain narrowing down to one location finally. I spent most of last night with ice packs on my face, and this morning I woke up with only a mild residual ache/twinge. Thank goodness! The pain was so bad it was nauseating me and making me incredibly depressed and grumpy. I'll admit I've been skeptical in the past when people have recommended alternating heat/cold therapy for so many things, but not anymore!


Pegasus, both teeth are indeed root canaled. I think it was the ligament, thankfully; I was really worried about the possibility of an abscess or cracked tooth roots (and the cost involved in dealing with them :().


Thanks for all the advice and info, I appreciate it.

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