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Questions about LOF: Pre-Algebra

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As 5th grade here is winding to a close, I am beginning to think about planning for this summer's bridge into 6th grade.


I think my daughter is ready to move on to pre-algebra and beginning algebra next year. For next year's curriculum, I plan to use the Jacobs' Algebra book. But I was wondering if I should purchase the Life of Fred: Pre-Algebra books for summer bridge?


My daughter really enjoyed Fractions and Decimals & Percents. We used them as a review and reinforcement, and she flew through them independently.


The reviews I read said that the two Pre-Algebra books are mostly a review of the math in the Fractions and D&P books. Are the pre-algebra books worthwhile, or mostly repetitive?


Also, they look heavier on the biology and economics topics than on the math - is that the case? Does the author have a particular point of view in those topics, (religious or otherwise) or is the discussion mostly standard points?


Thanks for any advice!

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We're pretty much at the same place with the same aged daughter. I'm also leaning towards Jacob's Algebra, but I'm going to hold off for a year I think. She's just started SM6a and I do think she has most of the math skills that she needs for algebra, but I still feel like she needs more work in problem solving and doing problems that involve multiple steps and thinking through whether an answer makes sense... She isn't a very resilient math student and tends to give up when any problem even looks difficult. Anyway, I do think a pre-algebra year will be helpful.


So we have a few pre-algebra books and one of them is LOF Pre-Algebra with biology. I'm not sure what to make of it, though my daughter has loved LOF Fractions and Decimals, so I think she'll love it. I figure since we're studying biology this year, it'll be a nice supplement to both math and science. As I understand it, the author leaves out anything he sees as potentially objectionable (evolution and reproduction). I can live with that. However... I have some reservations about the economics book and am reluctant to buy it. Although I may be wrong, I suspect the author is pretty politically and socially conservative and I'd like to read reviews from parents who are not.

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Regarding the math: after starting the PreAlgebra series (he is now finishing this week) I had my son do some chapters in both AoPS and Dolciani preAlgebra. He found both a breeze (AoPS has been useful anyway simply as engaging a different mode of thinking than Fred, so we kept at it). So, together with Fractions and Delcimals and Percents, the math holds its own.


The biology is not a "full" biology text; it is a sampler and presents the math in a fully engaging and interesting manner. I suspect the same to be true of the economics text (I am a biologist by trade and my husband a mathematician; neither of us is an economist, hence the 'I suspect').


There are definite political leanings in the economics text; I thought they were more left than right, but I won't argue that with anybody. Where I disagreed with the author, I found I was not upset at all; it provided fodder for terrific discussions when he asked questions. I think having engaging discussions with my child is a wonderful thing, and it did not distract or detract from the excellent math at all, as he studied that on his own, separately from the economics ideas (even though it was presented in that on text).


These books make kids think, and we love that about them.


Hope that makes sense.

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We used both pre-alg books last year. We loved the bio but found a couple of economics topics not as engaging (still enjoyable). Some of the topics a bit much for my dd. It might have been her age (10) or just lack of interest. It was not a big deal as I just walked her through the exercises, but I know she doesn not have full understanding of comparitive advantage. I feel she was prepared for algebra, though.


I wouldn't say they are simply a review of the two previous Fred books. There was more to them than that. Of course, the former order was to proceed from decimals & percents right into Fred algebra so they may not be necessary, but useful


I appreciated the different approach and the application of the math that gives purpose to the practice. The pre-alg books have a bit of different feel to them that the other Fred books, imo.


I would recommend both. If you don't want to take the time perhaps using just the 1st book would be beneficial for a bit of review, reinforcement and expansion before going into alg.


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