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My now 14yo son was a micropreemie (adopted) - 25 weeks 1lb1oz. He had a rough start and childhood medically. He is very lean - 5'3" and about 98 lbs. Literally about 0% body fat.


His veins in his legs - thighs and lower legs are so hugely prominent I literally can hardly stand to see him in shorts. It looks like massive varicose veins. I showed the pediatrician last year at his well visit and she said not to worry. They look worse this year. Should I take him in or continue to overlook?

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Does he have any other symptoms? Any issues with his heart?


Honestly, they might just seem more prominent because he's so thin, but I would still bring it up with my pediatrician. If the "it's OK" answer doesn't sit well with you, then probe a little... ask what it could be, or what signs you should look for that might imply it's something more serious.


Are you on any micropreemie support groups? Perhaps somebody there might know something.

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Have they done some basic blood work? I would check thyroid, B12, D, and the rest of the basic panel. If that all comes back clear and he doesn't have other symptoms, I wouldnt' worry. Is his skin very pale/thin like you see on preemies? If so, maybe you can just see it more than you would on other kids.

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We have a very lean son, too, although not at all in comparison to your son being a preemie. He passed his physical to run on the long distant track team last summer/fall and loved it, but then he wanted to do wrestling and the school athletic department tested his body fat content and it was less than 7%. They hinted at calling cps! They would not allow him to wrestle because they believed that he wasn't healthy enough, even with Dr. approval. He eats all the time at home, but he is tall and lean... His skin is dark and his legs are hairy, so I have never noticed veins...


It never hurts to tell the physician your concerns, even more than once. :001_smile: If his overall health and blood look good and you've asked the doctor about it, I would try not to worry. :001_smile:

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