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Strategy/Math games for boys

Guest sarahellis

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Guest sarahellis

Just needing some new games for my ds to play. I'm used to bright girls, but he's 6, very bright and easily frustrated. Trying to find games, things to do for him that are appropriate for a very bright child, but still take into account that he is emotionally 6. Any ideas? Of course, we already have the old standbys...mastermind, blokus, mancala, ten days in (everywhere), settlers, battleship, spot it...etc. Any new ideas would be wonderful. Also, if there's any mind game work-books that your kids of similar ages like, please post those too! Thanks in advance!



DD 10 (5th grade), DD 8 (3rd grade), DS 6 (1st grade), DD 4

all in dual immersion PS - Spanish

all GATE qualified

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We really like Quirkle. I wish there were an app for that. I'd play it on my phone all the time if there were! :lol: My older son made up a quicker version of the game for days that we want to play but don't have much time. It's called "perfect square". You can't kill any quirkles. If the 6 pieces in your hand won't play without blocking something else, you have to scrap that hand and lose a turn. You'll put the pieces aside and draw 6 new pieces from the bag on your next turn.


I remember playing a game called "Pente" when I was a kid. Not sure what ever happened to it. I guess it got lost in a move somewhere along the line. http://www.amazon.com/Winning-Moves-1145-Pente/dp/B0040H7V5Q/ref=pd_sim_sbs_t_1 I also liked Chinese Checkers as a kid.

Edited by 2smartones
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