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Latin for Children DVD questions


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While you can use it without the DVD's I'd say you're better off having them. You can get the pronunciation from the CD, but IMO, even though the grammar is pretty much word for word what is on the 2nd page of the weekly lesson, it's better to be able to watch it and see him writing things out on the board. BTW, the DVD's are incredibly cheesy, but we love them for their cheesiness. The instructor guy is just a big old slice awesome in his goofiness. I don't say that be unkind. I genuinely like him for it. It's endearing.

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I found them really helpful! Adding a visual presentation and the occasional fun/funny moments was a great motivator especially with Primer A. And...having multiples to teach I'm always glad to move one thing off my platter!

Goodl uck.

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The DVDs are vital in my opinion. I went through the whole book with my older kids, and now my current third grader is using it. On that first pass I would have been lost without the DVD, and on my second pass it's still thoroughly enhancing it better than I could do on my own.

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