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Hooray! Stimulus check that we weren't expecting!

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Being in Canada we really didn't think we were going to get a stimulus check. After all, it's meant to stimulate the American economy! But we got it! Woohoo! The kids came shouting to me, "George Bush sent us money!" :smilielol5:


Unexpected money is always a lovely surprise!


To top that off though my Father in law discovered, a couple of days after my MIL passed, that she had a life insurance policy which he had completely forgotten about that he is going to split between my BIL and my husband so we will probably be able to finish our basement, something we had figured would have to wait at least a couple of years to do. Of course it's not by way of something that we would have hoped for but we are glad that we will be able to finish our basement as we are expecting visitors in October and it would be great to be able to have a nice place for them to crash!


Hubby got home today from being down south for his Mom's funeral. They had a good reunion with family and friends celebrating her life together.

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I will celebrate with you. Woohoo!!!! :party:



But will you feel sorry for me.


We live in the US but I have an ITIN number not SSN so ... there is no stimulus check for us. :-)


What fun it will be to finish your basement. There is alway a project to get done isn't there. I bet you'll be pleased once it is over.

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Oh, and here I thought that maybe you also got the climate saver booster cheque. I got $100 in the mail today for each member of our family - that's $600 that is supposed to help us be more energy efficient. I love gov't money and I'll try not to think about the fact that I'm probably just paying more in taxes now.

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Being in Canada we really didn't think we were going to get a stimulus check. After all, it's meant to stimulate the American economy! But we got it! Woohoo!


You've piqued my curiosity - how did you get a stimulus check?? Now I'm wondering if I'll get one. I still file American tax forms - is this what did it for you? You've lived in Canada for a few years, right? Hmm....

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Oh, and here I thought that maybe you also got the climate saver booster cheque. I got $100 in the mail today for each member of our family - that's $600 that is supposed to help us be more energy efficient. I love gov't money and I'll try not to think about the fact that I'm probably just paying more in taxes now.


Is this just BC related, or Canada wide?

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