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Help me find a science program for dd - long


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We school year round 6 days a week, so we may actually need 2 programs that work well together, but they don't have to perfectly correlate for the same topics. DD is a science lover - she did the entire Magic school bus book set for science in pre-k / k and can explain them all in detail and recognize the same science in real life. Not sure where that makes her grade level in science.


Right now we're using Behold and See 1, and dd loves it because of the theme and artwork but I'm so-so on it. It has more religious references than I'd like and I don't always feel the science is meaty enough. We have Behold and See 2 for this fall, but I'd like something else to put with it that is secular and meatier. I'm also considering alternatives for 3rd grade, as Behold and See 3 gets much more religious than the previous two books. I do like it other than the religious parts, and have considered copying and editing it on my PC to create a secular text.


My must have criterion:


Secular {or 95% secular and 5% non-denominational}

strong science with hands on activities

low cost or available on Amazon.com


Any ideas? SL science maybe - the older versions? I'm already considering that for 6th grade as I have the old science 5 from SL {1999 ed} and it looks like a good fit. Maybe SOS? I have the 3rd grade SOS science but I need an install disc to make it work.



Oh and for reference, Behold and See 2 covers these topics:

Simple Machines, Work and Energy

Water Cycle

Natural Resources and Conservation

The Earth and it's composition including types of rocks and volcanoes

Marine Life, both plants and animals


Behold and See 1 is organized around a year on a farm theme and covers these topics:

Spring on the farm - seeds, leaves, roots, mammals, weather, reptiles, fish and birds, carnivores, herbivores, Omnivores

Summer on the farm - weather, pond life, snails and earthworms, trees, insects, spiders, living and non-living things

Fall on the farm - plants, animals and insects getting ready for winter, weather

Winter on the farm - weather, winter camouflage changes {snowshoe hare}

Our Senses - the eye and it's parts, ears / hearing, vibrations, touch, smell and taste

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Elemental Science and Real Science Odyssey. I feel like I have been plugging this alot lately but after 19 yrs of teaching science oriented children this is the best conbo I have found. I think it is best because it is super easy to get done and the experiments are exceptional for RSO, not the normal lame elementary experiments. Not sure everything is available from Amazon though.

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Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding $5 download (You can't print it or copy and paste from it) or you can buy it on Amazon (29.95)



hands on activities

Strong science

Great yahoo group support


I decided that for $5 I would be willing to try it and I've liked it so far.

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I'm not too helpful, except to reiterate that RSO combined with ES is what we will be doing. I may do a bit of SL, simply because I have the IG and it would be easy to add in now and then.


I do want to say that I took a look at Behold and See. From the samples it looks quite nice, but definitely too religious for us. A secular Behold and See would be great. Interesting just to check out new things......

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Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding


That's what I was going to recommend as well. Be aware that it's fairly teacher-intensive, not just open-and-go, but if you don't mind that, it's a fantastic program and definitely meets your criteria.

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I like Real Science 4 Kids. I also like the ScienceWorks books. Mudpies to Magnets is not as babyish as some assume it is. I've been dabbling in the Handbook of Nature Study and the Outdoor Hour Challenges website. A friend showed me some Singapore My Pals Are Here books and they looked pretty good. I think they're leveled for grades 3/4 and 5/6 but they do have some for younger ages. I haven't seen those.

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That's what I was going to recommend as well. Be aware that it's fairly teacher-intensive, not just open-and-go, but if you don't mind that, it's a fantastic program and definitely meets your criteria.


:iagree: Although I really do minimal prep. I spend a few minutes at the end of a section (while the dc are putting together a notebook page about the lesson) to decide what we are doing next and will I need any props. There is a lot of flipping around in the book, though, so depending on your personality you might want to get the paperback. It covers K-2, so that helps with the $25. We'll do the book over first and second and then carry on with the next book. There is a Yahoo! support group also.

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