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Ranger's Apprentice books - anything inappropriate?

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A 10-turning-11yo nephew likes the Ranger's Apprentice books. When I asked for birthday gift ideas, his mom suggested more of the series. I know she thinks the series is fine, but if I'm giving it, I want to know how clean it is, since my dc will then want to read it, too. Is there anything inappropriate in the books - bad language, innuendo, detailed violence? Thanks!

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There is language similar to a PG movie. I don't remember anything stronger than d*amn, h*ll, etc. I've whited them out now for when I gave the books to my ds.


The violence is because they something like knights fighting in battles and hand to hand. OK, they aren't really knights. They are rangers and they fight hand to hand and with bows. There is no superfluous blood and gore. In fact I don't think it is described how people are hit - maybe he was punched in the nose and it bled or something like that. It's not anything that would gross a 10 or 11 yo out.


No sexual innuendo. Someone kisses in book 4 or 5. But it's a kiss, one similar to the ones the kids have likely seen you give your husband.


It's up to how conservative you are about things in general. I gave the books to my son about age 10. By that time he'd seen Star Wars. I've stopped whiting out the books by the same author b/c ds has now seen movies and tv shows with worse language in them. Much to my chagrin. DH allowed them.


ETA: I'd forgotten I did mini-reviews of these on my blog when I was prereading them for ds. You're going to have to skim for books by John Flangan but all but the first one are there. They are all labeled "52 books in 52 weeks". That will help you to find them more easily.

Edited by momofkhm
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