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Ap Economics online?

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Have you talked to the Thinkwell people? They have an economics course that, they told me last year, did not quite teach the AP syllabus but was close. They were going to get back with me about what was missing but never did. I ended up doing it myself with a bunch of McConnell Brue I bought for a few dollars on half.com. We'll see how that turned out for us on Thursday, when my daughter takes both exams.



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The AP Economics through Pennsylvania Homeschoolers is outstanding.


In addition to the "normal" material, the teacher has set up many economics games for the students to play competitively against each other, and these games do a far better job of helping the students to truly understand the ins and outs of economics than anything else I've seen.


It is slightly more geared towards the AP Macro exam, but the teacher supports and many students take both Econ exams.


My husband and I both decided partway through the year that we wanted to take the class!!!


This was one of my son's two favorite classes in high school. (The other was AP Chem through PAH.)

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:iagree:about the PA Homeschoolers class being outstanding. My daughter is taking it this year. However, I would say that it is definitely focused almost exclusively on the macro side. Of course, there is naturally some overlap between macro and micro and the economic games definitely touch on the micro side.The 10+ chapters in the book covering micro are not covered in the class, and there are no assigned essays or MC related to the micro exam.


The macro course winds down by mid-February so a good number of the kids self-study for the micro exam during March & April. I had my daughter work through the Thinkwell Micro AP Course, and she was not able to break into the 5 range on the Micro Release exam and had to go back and read/study the unassigned chapters of her Macro/micro text. She is now into the 5 range, but way too close for comfort!


I really wish Dr. Richman would add a 10 week accelerated pace Micro course to tack on to the end of macro..that would be ideal.



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I agree with Gwen and Nancy and want to say that Dr.Richman's AP Macro. class is wonderful. Ds. loved it and is confident about taking the exam on the 17th. It was hard to find a school that offers AP Macro. We finally found a private school that allowed ds. to take it for a fee!

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Ah, I wonder if your son is in the same class as my daughter. I know there are 2 sections. My daughter is Kelly and, despite my user name, we are in NC no longer in NJ!




Nancy, it looks like your daughter is in the other section. I am sending you a personal email.

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