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Yogurt Making Woes

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I had been making yogurt in my crockpot every week but stopped a few months ago. We loved it, but we were yogurted-out, if that's even possible :001_smile: However, dh and the boys were asking for yogurt again so I made some more. But, he last 2 times I've tried it has been awful. It's all lumpy and sour and blech.


I heat the milk for 2.5 hours in my crockpot, let it cool for 3, mixed 1-2 cups of that milk with the live yogurt, stir it in and sit in my slightly warm oven for 5-6 hours. It looked and tasted fine. Then I added sugar and vanilla and it went nasty:001_huh: When I made it 2 weeks ago and I mixed the sugar and vanilla into the milk once it had heated up, but before it had cooled and it was awful as well.


I know I made it with sugar and vanilla before, and I thought I added the sugar and vanilla after the milk had heated, but maybe not???? (which is why I added it at the end today)


I am using the same milk Trader Joe's whole milk, pasteurized, and live culture greek yogurt.


Anyone have any suggestions?

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I had two thoughts. First, I add our powdered sugar and strawberries in the morning after the yogurt has set up. Also, I now use a food thermometer instead of going by time and have found that to be more reliable. This website has some good information on temperature.

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I had two thoughts. First, I add our powdered sugar and strawberries in the morning after the yogurt has set up. Also, I now use a food thermometer instead of going by time and have found that to be more reliable. This website has some good information on temperature.



I was using a thermometer until I dunked it and now it has water in it. I don't know if it will be accurate anymore :confused:


I'll check out that website. Thanks.



My yogurt has recently been flopping. Turns out that my crockpot is heating it too high. :glare: I've given up until I figure it out. Sorry.


I'm pretty sure my crockpot is not getting too hot. I hope you get it figured out. It is so disappointing when the yogurt doesn't 'yo' !:D


I think it's the timing of adding the sugar and vanilla. Perhaps I need to wait until the yogurt has cooled completely.

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Are you using a thermometer?


Different indoor temps can affect it.


This is my easy rec., but it isn't a crock-pot one.




1. Bring 4 cups of whole milk (I've used lower % milk) or 2 cups whole and 2 cups half and half up to 180' in a pan.


2. Remove from heat and let cool down to 120' (no cooler that that!)


3. Meanwhile heat some water in a quart jar in the microwave to get the jar nice and warm. Empty the water out of the jar and put 1-3 Tablespoons of plain yogurt in the bottom, add the warm milk and stir well for about 20 seconds. Put the lid on and wrap in a blanket or towel for 6-8 hours. 6=less tart. That's it!



It will thicken up after refrigerating. Remember to save some yogurt (plain) for your next batch.


I add in homemade vanilla or other flavor to the milk before pouring into the jar. Once the jar or bowl is wrapped in the towel I usually let it set in the microwave for around 7 hours.


This recipe is easy and flexible. I know some use a big thermos to incubate it vs the blanket wrap.

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