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Online or DVD curr. suggestions for 6th grader

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A mom in our homeschool group is looking for online or DVD options for her 6th grade son. He likes to work independently. She does not like Abeka or Potter's school. (sorry, I don't know why). Can anyone throw some names out there. Not every subject needs to come from one place. She is open to some online and some DVD and using a few different sources. Math is taken care of. I usually do not have a problem searching for all of this myself and putting together a nice list, but I have been really swamped lately. A little help from all of the wonderful minds here would be greatly appreciated. TIA :001_smile:


ETA: BJU, AG's new grammar videos, EIW and IEW are already on my list.

Edited by atozmom
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Math - Teaching Textbooks

History - Veritas Press

Writing - IEW

Grammar - Brain Pop (see if your local school uses this & ask for a log-on)

Science - Brain Pop or Discovery Education (see you local school for log-on)

Spanish or Latin - Classical Academic Press or Memoria Press (Latin or French)

Literature - Progeny Press guides or Christian Light Education (non-dvd)



K12 and Switched on Schoolhouse are other options.


The EASIEST option for the parent is ALL BJU online.

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M son (gr 5) enjoys Science Fusion. We have only done a few lessons but they can be done very independently. They have interesting interactive labs where the student is instructed to type in the procedure, etc for the experiment and then perform the experiment online. (i.e. drag the thermometer over the flask and record the temperature in a table.) Based upon our trial of this online curriculum, we will be using it for grade 6 next year.

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We've been using some of the Time4Learning curriculum. Another thing to check out- it's pretty inexpensive and records the grading for the parent and the kid can access to one grade level above and one below in each subject! We started out with a lot of this because we were new to homeschooling and it was easy for my 6th grader until I could get this homeschooling thing figured out:D

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