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Surgery is tomorrow

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Thanks everyone!! I got to take home a souvenier-a huge stone! I can not believe how big this thing is!? No wonder I was having pain. I am gong to take a picture tomororw, you will be amazed LOL I know I am weird :D



I think seeing a picture of your stone would be pretty cool. :001_smile: So, your next homeschool project (after resting and healing, of course, those come first!) will be to come up with creative ideas for your stone. Let's see...it doesn't require freezing in order to preserve it, so you could...


~ Display it on your coffee table - it would make a great conversation starter.


~ Plant it in your garden in order to give it a proper ceremonial burial.


~ Shoot it from a slingshot at...at???...an empty Mike's bottle.


~ Make a pendant from it and wear it with your denim jumper.



Oh, the possibilities! :lol:



Jean, I'm so glad you're home, and that the surgery went smoothly. What a big "accomplishment" to have off your list of things to do. Take good care of yourself. Don't be tempted to do too much too soon. Wishing you a very speedy recovery.



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and woozy, but over all feeling good. They took me back @ 1:15 and I was home at 4:30. My shoulders are hurting now so I am trying to keep walking an dmoving which someone said helps. I need to eat something so I can take my painmeds, but I am not feeling hungry tet.


Thank you all for the prayers!!! I don't remmeber a thing from teh surgery!! God is good. I hope to be up and about tomororw.


I've been out of town, and just saw your post. I'm glad you are home and doing fine. You will feel sooo much better in the long run.

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