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Singapore Users? Question?

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I'm not sure what you mean by mastery for math, so this response may be completely irrelevant, but ...


You'll probably get a range of responses here. Some of us find the HIGs invaluable (even essential) at every level of Singapore because they help us explain concepts in a way we might not otherwise think to. The HIGs also include extra activities and mental math exercises that help round out the program.


I believe that you'll also find those who will say that the HIG is not necessary for the lower levels of Singapore because the concepts are easy to teach.


FWIW, I'm glad I had the HIGs from the earliest level.

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I'm a former math teacher so I thought that I didn't need the HIGs. However, I was given a copy of one and now always purchase them. They have ideas in them that can help students explain concepts, and I don't have to think of the activities myself. They're a big help to my husband (who teaches two days a week) with what he should do in the more concrete sections of the lessons.

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I just bought 1A and 1B for my rising K'er. I got the HIGs because they have been a good idea in level 4A/4B with my oldest. Sure enough, I'm glad I bought the HIG for level 1. There is sooooo much fact practice in the HIGs that we might otherwise not do if we weren't using the HIG. There are games, mental math, and extra explanations beyond what is in the textbook.

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Which level are you asking about? I find the HIG's absolutely necessary for 3A & up. The 1A HIG I didn't bother getting and while I had it for 1B, I hardly ever used it. I have the HIG's for 2A/B but again it remains to be seen how much I'll actually wind up using them.

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I use the HIGs for 2A and up. I'm a very mathy mom and they are quite useful to me. I usually glance over the info for each lesson to make sure I've got it covered. Sometimes it explains concepts in a way I haven't thought of or presents review material that isn't in the text. We also do all of the mental math exercises.

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