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summer weight gain

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It has been 90 degrees or so here the past week and I've gained that uncomfortable water weight again (haven't been able to wear my wedding ring the past couple days). I've done this every.single.summer. for the past few years.


So, I'll ask again and see what I'm not doing right or should be doing to help the situation.


1. drink more water

2. limit salt intake

3. increase protein


I power walk or do some sort of cardio exercise daily.


I do not drink sodas and I already limit empty carbs. If it helps to know, I'll be 50 in 2 weeks and yes, I'm on hrt. I've got no clue when my next cycle will be, this could be pms weight gain (or not). I tend to skip cycles for several months then have a run of more or less monthly.


So, anything else to add or subtract, or modify?

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Have you had a complete physical done recently?


You said you are drinking plenty of water but are you also using the bathroom frequently? If not, you should drink more water.


Do you exercise, I heard that can help?


The swelling could be related to a health issue or be a side effect of a medication you take.

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It could very well be a side effect of the hormones. But, I have done this every summer for at least the last 5 years. The doc said if I gain more than 5-7lbs (yikes) fairly quickly then to call. If not, he plans on doing a physical in June. Prior to hormones, I would gain that much in a week and it was miserable. If anyting, the hormones have stabilized my weight.

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Not much advice since you seem to be doing everything right. Not sure about the HRT and possible side effects. One suggestion would be, which I'm sure you already know and are doing - lots of water-laden fruits and veggies - cucumbers, watermelon, etc.

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Limiting salt may actually cause you to retain more water. It's counter-intuitive, I know. Low sodium (provided you don't have any medical conditions that require it) can cause your body to hold onto water and salting to taste can help the flush out the excess fluid. I have no idea why it works, just that it does.

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