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Looking for Reformed, High School Bible Curriculum

Guest CaryBHughes

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Guest CaryBHughes



I am a high school Bible teacher and looking for reformed Bible curriculum. Any suggestions? So far, the best I've come up with is the home school Puritan library

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You might look at some of RC Sproul's materials.

Also Positive Action For Christ may not be reform (can't remember how deeply they go), but it is very solid.

We are not reform, but we did enjoy the books by Paul Little--Know Why You Believe, Know What You Believe. They are more basic but might work for you.

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For RC Sproul look at Ligonier ministries on line. When you have that look under "learn" and go to the teaching series. Pick your topic -- there are over 350 courses to choose from, some are free. We recommend ones with the video class format. Some have free pdf study guides. We are going to do " Introduction to Systematic Theology". DH previewed it for us and loved it. We bought the Dvds.


These are all reformed.

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I use the Children Desiring God youth materials, they are excellent. You can probably use the middle school ones in high school because the quality is so high.


I'd also consider working through a commentary on the Westminster documents (start with one maybe the shorter).

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If you want something narrowly focused on "Reformed" doctrine, you might try these publishers:


Covenant Home curriculum

Christian Liberty Press

Tapestry of Grace



If you want something "compatible with" Reformed doctrine, there are a lot of things you could use. My personal favorite Bible study is... the Bible. Reading all of it.



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