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1st and 2nd grade MOH or American History?


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I'm about to drive myself crazy. I bought MOH but now I'm questioning if it's going to be too much for my 1st and 2nd grader. I don't want to do STOW because of the lack of a biblical worldview. So my options are just to flesh out and tone down MOH or to do American History for a few years until my girls are older. I'd be looking to do Beautiful Feet, TruthQuest or A Living History of our World. Any suggestions???

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My dd has been through MOH volumes 1-3 and will tell you it was her favorite school book ever. However, we didn't get to start with her until 6th. I love MOH , but will not start with ds until 5th or 6th. I just think it is too much for him until then. We used A Living History of Our World this year. Ds enjoyed it, but we are going through a rough patch right now with his attention level and will have to go a completely different route next year. (lots of hands-on and subjects that REALLY hold his interest) I also have TQ and love the suggestions in the guides. I know many that have used MOH for the younger grades and have done well. I think it really just depends on the child.


Sorry, I guess not much help. :tongue_smilie:

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I tried to bring down MOH to an older K and it got real old, real fast. We ended up dropping it after a month. This year I am doing US History w/ a 9yo and 7yo. We started off using TQ, but the commentary started to grate on my nerves very quickly. Way too many !!!!!! and ... and way too conversational. In an annoying way. We like the Apologia elementary science, so we like conversational. Just not TQ-style conversational, I guess. I wonder how many more times I can work the word conversational into this...


Anyway, the commentary and having way too many topics covered made me go back to the drawing board. (You are supposed to pick and choose what topics you do, but I have a hard time doing that, considering my own history education was so poor.) So I decided to use LHoOW as a spine and add lots of great books to it using the TQ guide. Wooo-hoo! This is going just wonderfully! Both my dc are loving history and all the yummy books that are available for US History for this age group. I am using TQ to add a few topics that LHoOW skips (Johnny Appleseed comes to mind). My dc like how she writes, and I don't feel too silly reading it out loud. I have a few quibbles w/ her style, and there are some typos (it's a first edition) and a couple places that need some editing (confusing), but it's nothing major at all.


OK, that is our experience w/ MOH, TQ, and LHoOW.

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I have not used MOH, so I can't comment on it.

I am piecing together my own American History for my oldest two for next year. And I did just what you are thinking about. I bought the Beautiful Feet books. I also got the guide for Truthquest vol1 and vol2. I then sat down and mapped out topics that I wanted to cover for discovery through just after the Civil War. Then I went back and plugged in books using BF and TQ. Like the above poster, I'm not planning to use the commentary from TQ; I Just used it to figure out what books to use. I'm pleased as punch with the plan, and I'm excited to get started with it next year!

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I had bought MOH when my oldest was in 1st and decided it was too much. We used BF Early American for first and loved it. (Well, I should add that we didn't do everything suggested in the guide...) I just bought TQ for next year and I really like the looks of it as well. BF would give you one year of American History, TQ has 3 books of American History (3 years). BF has more 'hand-holding' (ex. Read pages 1-6 of THIS Columbus book today.) Where TQ gives a list of Columbus books and you figure out which you want to use and how much to read per day.

Edited by Homemama2
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MOH would be too much for my dc right now, we are saving it for the next cycle. As for this one, I also wanted more Biblical worldview. If that is what you are looking for here are a few suggestions if you want to use the four yr cycle:


Biblioplan-uses SOTW but adds in the BIble and Biblical worldview

SOTW with the VP cards OTAE and NTGR. (I did that this year, I also added in some of the worksheet/projects from VP when they filled the Biblical gaps from SOTW)

Use VP cards as a spine and add books and maybe SOTW

Just use the Bible as a spine and add lit and other history books. Truthquest commentary would probably be very helpful if you did something like this.


If you are ok not going with the four yr cycle American history might be a great option, the above are some things I considered in order to stay on the WTM history cycle. :)

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