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Why is my dog waking me at 4:00 am?

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Is he neutered yet? If not, it could be that urge to roam;). If he is neutered (as he should be:001_smile:) it could be an urge to pee. You can limit water intake after 8pm and or screen him for a UTI, but those are rare in a young male dog. It could just be his natural circadian rhythm, i.e. I am fully awake at 5:30 yet my household sleeps. Try wearing him out more during the day and make him stay up a little later and see if that helps.


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We were waiting for this move to neuter. I'll make an appointment this week! Thank you Soph!!! His regular rhythm is 6:00 am and I use him as my alarm clock but this 4:00 am stuff is getting very OLD. We haven't had neighboring dogs before so I think that it plays a part. Hopefully the neutering will diminish this extra wake-up call. We do play and walk him daily. :)

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Don't forget-new house=new noises.


He may be responding to things that you process and ignore. How and when the fridge, water heater, etc turn on or what time the neighbors put up the garage door. The light from an unfamiliar street light through the window.


Dogs do actually notice these things and can take a few days or weeks to acclimate. He is very young so he is still building his sense of home. Also, I've found that just the process of moving and all the boxes would upset the dogs. They knew that something wasn't right but didn't understand. Try to keep his routine as normal as possible-food, walks, trips to the yard at all the times you think were or will be normal. Also, make sure to find time to love the dog. Sounds silly but he needs love from the whole family right now and I know that I often get wrapped up in the process of unpacking and forget everything while I settle in.


Of course I'm not discounting the need for neutering--that does make a lad restless.


OK-enough of my dog whisperer side...

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