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I need a character book that...


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Tells stories. My dd5 really responds well to stories that explain character and how to behave in everyday situations. She needs real life application stories that help her to understand the character trait more fully. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Many/all of the Rod & Staff books teach character.




:iagree: We also like CLE readers, Pathway readers, and the Hive of Busy Bees books.


The readers go up to eighth grade, so you can buy books at a higher grade level for you to read aloud to her, and at grade level for her to read on her own.

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Tells stories. My dd5 really responds well to stories that explain character and how to behave in everyday situations. She needs real life application stories that help her to understand the character trait more fully. Anyone have any suggestions?

I see you are using WP AW. Didn't it come with My Big Book of 5-Minute Devotions? If not, that is what came with the program when I used it and it sounds like exactly what you are describing.




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The Book of Virtues by Bill Bennett


There are two versions, one is a children picture book that is lovely and the other has meatier stories and is quite thick. Someone actually write a free character curriculum based in the BoV, let's see...


If you type Shiver Academy and Book of Virtues into a search engine, it should pop up for you. I can't remember the link off the top of my head... Methink I need another cup of joe;)

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A couple other books that haven't been mentioned that we have and really like are from The Learning Parent. Here is a link:



We have both the Character Trails and Crossroads of Character. Our kids are 6, 4 1/2, and 3 and they all like both of these.


Another character curriculum that we have that is free that we add to what ever story we are reading is Kids of Integrity.



You can just click on the "lessons" tab and then choose the character trait you are working on. It has bible stories, creative discipline, activities, and more laid out for that character trait.

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Two thoughts:

1) If you like unit studies, Beautiful Feet has a Teaching Character Through Literature Study Guide that is somewhat interesting (I bought it, and have most of the books, but haven't done it with the kids yet).

2) We Choose Virtues! I bought the basic faith-based flashcards and my kids love them; I just got the parenting cards last week so we can expand on what we're doing. I know it's NOT story-based, exactly, but it is centred around these cute characters, each with a name (like Cake Jake and Piggybank Frank) plus a little bit of backstory about why they're associated with that particular virtue. My kids adore the characters and make up their own little stories. I know this set was working when my 4-year-old son came to me and said HIS new name was "Patient Catient!" :-)))

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Two thoughts:

1) If you like unit studies, Beautiful Feet has a Teaching Character Through Literature Study Guide that is somewhat interesting (I bought it, and have most of the books, but haven't done it with the kids yet).

2) We Choose Virtues! I bought the basic faith-based flashcards and my kids love them; I just got the parenting cards last week so we can expand on what we're doing. I know it's NOT story-based, exactly, but it is centred around these cute characters, each with a name (like Cake Jake and Piggybank Frank) plus a little bit of backstory about why they're associated with that particular virtue. My kids adore the characters and make up their own little stories. I know this set was working when my 4-year-old son came to me and said HIS new name was "Patient Catient!" :-)))


Quick hijack...I'm so glad the We Choose Virtues is working for you guys. I'm the person who looked at the cards to see how many Bible verses were NT or OT, in case you don't recognize my screen name. I was worried you would order them and then be disappointed. :001_smile:

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