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TOG Upper Grammar question


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When your child hits 4th grade, do they start to do ALL the upper grammar history level reading? I'm wondering because I'm not sure I can handle both UG and LG history readings. The independent learning aspect does appeal to me.


Also, what do you usually use for science?



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My children did their own reading as soon as they are able, by third grade I was only reading aloud from one book.


I don't do a lot of formal science at that age, my ds5 who reads well, he reads books from library, we do experiments and unit studies here and there, and we watch movies/tv shows. I start a serious science curriculum in 7th or 8th grade.

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I only did one read aloud this past year. This year I'll add a first grader to the mix, so 4th and 6th grader will do their own reading, I'll read the LG books aloud, and then I'll (hopefully) do the suggested family read aloud to all.


For grammar-level science I've used Apologia and like it. But my favorite source for science at this age is -- wait for it -- Childcraft Books. I bought a used set at a library sale. I'm planning on assigning the reading to my fourth grader, with a few experiments thrown in. For my first grader it will be library books and me reading from the Childcraft Books. He'll also tag along for his sister's experiments.


For my 6th grader, I'm using Prentice Hall Science Explorer.

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I think it depends on the student. I have a coupleof dc that could do the UG readings on their own in 4th grade, and a couple of other dc that could not. In the case of those that could not, I would have them read the LG book/s, and I would read something from the UG list.


Also, when I had many little ones, I would read from the UG list, and have those that could read on their own read from the LG one.


(I haven't done TOG in a few years, so YMMV)



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