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Life of Fred question

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My oldest dd (8th grade) has used all the LOF books almost through beginning algebra. She started them after singapore 5. She exceeded standards on her state testing last year and met them this year so I know she's learning at least the minimum:001_smile:


I had planned to just keep using the books all the way through high school. She likes them and they are inexpensive.


However, I've seen several parents say on here that they don't think the books do a thorough enough job, so I'm second guessing now.


I know nothing about math. I finished geometry in high school and was happy to be done with my college requirements.


I'm able to follow along with my dd so far and help her where she needs it, but I don't know how much longer that will last. She has always done well in math but she doesn't like it. So I know she's not motivated to try very hard on her own.


I need to make a decision for next year on algebra (and the years beyond that). Would anyone be willing to tell me why LOF won't cut it? Or is there a chance it would be ok for someone who isn't planning on pursuing any kind of science type career?


She has done some Kahn academy and enjoyed the change, but I noticed that she asked to go back to her book after a couple of weeks. We both get tired of too much time on the computer for school, so I don't think we could go that route exclusively. Would combining the two be workable?




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FWIW, I have a degree in math. We used LoF Beginning Algebra in 7th grade. It did not fit my son's learning style well, but I thought it was a challenging text. Some might consider it less than thorough, but that might be more because their children needed more practice than LoF provided (this was true for my ds). I wouldn't worry about using it for high school if it fits your dd's learning style. I have a vague memory of seeing a thread about LoF being a suggested text for AP Calculus and then confirming it for myself. It was true. Or was it CLEP? I think it was AP. Either way, I decided that LoF was just fine. Ah. It was CLEP. See this thread from 2009.


I have heard that the author is very accessible for hints and helps if she/you need it.




ETA: If you do a tag search on Life of Fred and restrict it to the HS board, you will find a dozen threads. Let me know if you need clearer directions. Here are two threads:

Why is LoF "not enough?"

Does Anybody Use Life of Fred All By Itself?

Edited by Sue in St Pete
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My dd13 is doing LOF Beginning Algebra and doing well. In all of the earlier LOF books, she needed more practice and help so she would return to Singapore. But, so far, in Algebra, she's doing well. As long as she doesn't need more, then I'm not going to give her more. If she gets stuck, then we will explore our options.


I also have a math/stats degree but only took through Alg 2 in high school. I didn't discover that I was pretty good in math until Alg 2 and by then I was a senior. I keep hoping dd13 also discovers a math bent with Algebra - but not so far:glare:.

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I think LOF can be fine by itself. My dd 13 loves math and has several textbooks going at different levels. Some things she has only done with Fred. When she does the quiz portion of Khan for these things she is always deemed proficient in the shortest number of questions. I think it works. If your daughter likes it that is wonderful and should probably be left alone. She may continue her math journey far beyond the point she would quit with another text which would be wonderful.


The author is highly accessible. I emailed him at 6 am EST about his tshirts. Received a lovely response by 7:30. I know it wasn't math related but it was quick.

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Hi Jen. We are using LoF as our main high school text. My oldest used Beginning Algebra. When he finished the book, I printed out an end-of-course exam from our public school system for algebra I, and had him take that, just to see. He passed it with no trouble. I feel comfortable that he learned algebra at a level comparable with the ps kids.


We plan to stick with LoF, and find ways outside of Fred to check their knowledge, to make sure.


I think some students will benefit from extra practice, but not all will need it. My kids also watch Kahn Academy lessons.

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I don't think that you can take stock in everything that is written on these boards. I want to give you two examples of what I mean just to help you to understand.


To start, I have been on the Well Trained Mind board for years. I began homeschooling in 2001 and I believe Susan Wise Bauer came to my state's convention the following year. I remember when I started to use Singapore Math, the big complaint was that the problems were not enough. It does not provide enough drill, etc. People could see it was a good math program, but still complained that it would not help their child along in math. My sons have always scored very high on their standardize test using Singapore.


Next, people have complained on these boards about Math-U-See. Yet, I know a child who got accepted into an excellent technological university and all she ever used was Math-U-See. She scored very high on the math part of her SATs and she is going to a good university.


There will always be complaints and complements about curricula. I think that you have to assess how your own child takes in information and determine if that program is right for your child based upon how it teaches the information.


I always believed that homeschooling is about teaching to suit your child's needs (learning style) not going with what people are saying. Please understand, it does help to read what other people are using, but if a curriculum is meeting your child's needs don't second guess yourself because it did not meet other people's needs.


Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





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