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I need a program that tells us what to do each day...


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I'm sorry if this has been asked before--I have no idea where to look. :(


I work from home part time, I have a high-needs 2 year old, I have an overworked DH, etc. I've tried to piece together curriculum for my 7 year old, but I just don't have the time to do it well.


Is there such a thing as a classical program that has the whole year mapped out and everything in one place? Something like the K12.com program, but classically based? I tried Sonlight, but even that felt like too much work and too little guidance for us.


She would be finishing up 1st grade now. I feel pretty good about math (she's doing Singapore and EPGY) and reading is fine (we do OPGTR). It's everything else that we're lacking.


Thanks for any help!!

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