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Curricula for "something different" for summer--Recommendations?


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We school year round, but I'd like to have the summer be at least a change in some way from the regular year. Any suggestions?


I had asked about any experiences pro or con with:

Calculus for and by Young People

Hands on Equations

Science Daybooks


--all of which sound possible as a "something different" for the summer. More information on these and other thoughts would be welcome.


Thank you!

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We are doing Moving Beyond the Page: Ages 8-10, Concept 3: Similarities and Differences for our summer something different. :)


He is 9yo and I let him help decide what we were going to do. He looked at several of the 8-10 and 9-11 concepts, but decided that he liked the science kits that come with the Similarities and Differences concept.


We started this week and so far so good.


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We started this back when we were in public school, but have continued it into homeschool. We do the Summer Bridge Activities workbooks. It's oriented towards common core standards, but at the very least they are being exposed to what public school kids are learning at the same time. I don't know how much time it would take, but you can supplement with the reading list they provide and there are sections in the back to include character and health "units."

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We are doing Moving Beyond the Page: Ages 8-10, Concept 3: Similarities and Differences for our summer something different. :)


He is 9yo and I let him help decide what we were going to do. He looked at several of the 8-10 and 9-11 concepts, but decided that he liked the science kits that come with the Similarities and Differences concept.


We started this week and so far so good.



Could you report on this again as you have done more, please? It looks interesting.

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Some summers we do school, some we don't, based on what else is on the calendar.


I usually pick a fun book to work through and then add any basics we need to brush up on.


Some books I've had fun with in the summer in the past were:


Roller Coaster Science

Bridges (I think it was Williamson Publishing)

Lewis and Clark (again, Williamson)

Fizz, Bubble and Flash (Williamson)

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like The Sentence Family....



Others may have more Waldorfy curriculum ideas for the summer.


We are using more Hands On Algebra during the summer.



Artistic Pursuits

Simply Music


Mr. Q's Science

Amanda Bennett's Unit Study



Our family seemed to move too slowly in Writing With Ease so we will finish that up over the summer.

FLL as well for one of the girls.

We will continue on with AAS.

Finish up the Keys to's and Teaching textbooks

As well as Story of the World Ancients, I Speak Latin and Getting Started with Latin.


Boy it seems we hardly finished anything!

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