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I need some help thinking through something I'm considering...

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updated to say this:

So I told DH last night that I was thinking about this and he was like, well...it's up to you if you want to do it, but I'm afraid it would be too much to do, with homeschooling and all, since that keeps you so busy as it is. So right now I'm still trying to decide on that part, BUT then he said he was thinking the same thing, that he could go back to school to do something with physical therapy (physical therapist assistant, probably)... So here we are, both thinking about going back to school - it's crazy!!! I feel like we must be insane! :lol: None of the community colleges or anything around here offer anything for physical therapist assistant, so we would probably have to go somewhere else for that, which got me thinking again...

IF I decided to go back to school and do the Respiratory Therapist route - I could do that, starting, say, as soon as this fall even. :svengo: I probably would NOT do a full course load each semester, so it would take me longer to get through the program...let's say maybe 3-4 years? So anyway, if I did that, we could try to decide where he wants to go for the PTA program and then I could try to find a job there (most of them are in pretty well-populated areas/bigger cities), and I could work while he finished school.

It sounds nuts. Oh my goodness. :willy_nilly: But could this be possible????



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I can't believe I'm even considering this.


So I was one of those people who has never really had any plans for a career - nothing ever jumped out at me that I really loved to do (went to college for a degree in music because a. it was what everyone expected, and b. music is one thing I could learn about constantly and never get tired of; however, I didn't finish because I wasn't sure I was even doing what I wanted - this was many years ago. Anyway...) and I have always thought (and still think) that this worked out to my advantage, since I really, really love where I am right now... I love homeschooling, I love being at home, I have NO desire to do anything else, etc (though I have, in recent years, been thinking that I would probably do something job-wise after DD goes to college. But who knows? :lol: )

So I've always had a kind of a weird affinity for hospitals (not in a, you know, really weird way... I just like sterile environments, fluorescent lights, the general hospital atmosphere more than most people...) and for the past year or two I've been thinking I might like to work in one. Not sure as what - not sure about becoming an RN (though I've considered it), but kind of liking the Respiratory Therapist idea, and have toyed around with the Perfusionist idea, too. Those general medical professions are what I have been thinking of the last couple of years.

Well, now DH is almost done with his EMT class, and it just has kind of showed me that we actually would have time for one of us to go back to school if we really wanted to. I don't know if I would be able to GO anywhere, necessarily... where we live there are two small universities and a community college, but I'm not sure if they would offer what I'd be looking for. I'm not sure how good the programs would be.

But I know I wouldn't be able to get an actual education in these fields online - I could potentially do what I need to do before the specific training for these things online (if there is anything?? I have no idea) but obviously you don't train to do anything like that on the internet. :tongue_smilie:


I guess I'm just thinking it through. I don't know how it would be possible. I also don't know for sure that this is something that I really want to do, or if it's just a whim, kwim? I don't know if I should wait... or if I should start seriously considering trying to do something this fall... or if I should just figure out what my options would be and try to decide (probably the best option :lol: ).

I'm just kind of shocked. I guess not so much... I'm one of those people who loves school, loves to learn, etc, so the idea that I could possibly go back to school is kind of exciting to me. It makes my heart flutter a little. :lol: By the time I actually had all the schooling done that I needed, I could potentially start working in what... 5 years maybe? Idk... it would help, a lot, with our income (like, a LOT).

But would it be possible to continue homeschooling through this? I don't know. And that really is my first priority. I'm not feeling like this idea that I have is so important that I would give up everything that I have just for it... I don't know.

Ugh, I'm so lost! Does anyone have any advice? Or any specifics on the different fields I mentioned - what sort of degree is needed/preferred, etc? Good resources for those things? (I've looked a little online, but I get a lot of hoopla for 'become a respiratory therapist now!' type stuff. :rolleyes: And I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed by the magnitude of information, and I have no idea what is accurate and what isn't. Sigh... )

Edited by PeacefulChaos
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My uncle is finishing up school as a respitory therapist right now. The program is *intense*. I believe he said something like half the starting class ends up graduating. It's also heavy in math. He has to calculate O levels in his head and has to account for all kinds of things I couldn't imagine remembering what he was saying enough to relay to you now. He does love it. And he already got a job offer, so it's definitely worth it for him. But if you decide to do this, go with open eyes realizing it's not going to be easy (especially as a hsing mom).

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Do you have any idea what sort of education it entails? I see things saying it requires an associates but they prefer a bachelor's, etc... just wondering what those should be IN, exactly... do some places have a specific degree for respiratory therapy? I just have no idea what I'm even looking for lol! :)

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My mom was recently hospitalized. One of her nurses was one class away from a RN-- she did almost all of it on line. I admit she worked in a hospital daily. Which must of helped but.....If this is what you want investigate it. You might be really surprised.

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Yes. He's in a respiratory therapy program through his community college. But the level of work he's doing is more comparable to the end of college than the first two years I did for an associates. :) I imagine it's like getting a nursing associates. You're going for a specific thing, not general ed.

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Good for you for starting the thinking process!


As a RN, you can work in many places with an associate degree, for the most part. However, one hospital in my area (and there are several!) is requiring all their RN's to obtain a BSN. Not sure if this will become the trend or not. But, I think for the most part, an associate degree will work just fine for entry level. You could always finish a bachelor program later too, I just finished mine last summer, 90% online. I do not know of any associate degree program that is mostly online.


Nursing programs are intense. I did an accelerated associate degree in 18 months. I was not married, and literally ALL I did was study that entire time. It felt like h#ll to go through, but was so worth the hard work.


Maybe you could job shadow any of the fields you are interested in, most of the hospitals where I live are very open to this, as long as you sign a confidentiality statement. You could also begin by taking basic classes that may be required, no matter what specific field you decide on. These could probably be done online and many programs require prerequisites anyway.


I am not familiar with any other programs, such as respiratory. Radiology technician may be one for you to look into as well. The good thing about nursing, is the field is HUGE. So many specialities and areas you can work, the possibilities are nearly endless. Also, with so many baby boomers aging, there is likely going to be a shortage of nurses.


Good luck and keep us posted!

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