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Latin Help

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I've never had latin and I would love for my son to learn it (as well as myself).

Here's what I have: Henle Latin first year, Henle latin grammar and audio cd.

I also have first year Henle Latin guide for units 1-11 by Cheryl Lowe. Do I need anything else...because I also have on my shelf The Latin Centered Curriculum and First Form Latin and everything that goes with that program.


Basically...talk to me like I'm a kid. ;)

Thanks in advance for your help!:D

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I think you will be fine with the Henle if you just follow the Memorial guide. If you find it difficult go back to first form. The first part of Henle is a big review if you have already done the Latina Christina/First Form materials.


LINGUA LATINA seems to be a nice addition for us. Definately not necessary but my son needs extra practice and my daughter loves Latin so...

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you also need an answer key.


I have never used a guide, so it is possible that Cheryl Lowe's guide contains an answer key.


If it doesn't, there are several answer keys available, but I'm not really sure which one is the best. The one I have states often that certain exercises are so basic that no answer key is necessary...which might be true if you are a classics teacher, but isn't always the case when you are just a homeschool mum :D. Anyway if you need an answer key, I'm pretty sure someone here can recommend one or you could search for past threads.



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  • 2 months later...

Henle is a fine grammar --- I like it.


Can I recommend that you use Lingua Latina Par I Familia Romana --- by Orberg --- the reason being is that it gives you extended practice reading. It starts out *very* easy and slowly adds vocabulary and more complex grammatical forms. It is a nice supplement to Henle

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