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At what point before moving ...

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... do you pack up your crock pot?


... your stand mixer that your kids love to make cookies with?


Is there some point at which you just say, "Okay, we're only eating what can be made in this one frying pan" and pack the rest?


When do you defrost the freezer?

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... do you pack up your crock pot?


... your stand mixer that your kids love to make cookies with?


Is there some point at which you just say, "Okay, we're only eating what can be made in this one frying pan" and pack the rest?


When do you defrost the freezer?


For us, I will try to deplete the food stocks starting about two months before we move. I tend to have a really well stocked pantry, so I need this long.

The movers will start coming about two weeks before we leave the house, so by three weeks out, I need to have the extra freezer empty and ready to move.

I might make several batches of cookies (or dough) and keep them in the inside freezer or fridge, but I'd pack up the mixer. The crock pot might stay out longer as I worked through the food in the freezer. In fact, I'd consider putting the crock pot into an express shipment as an easy way of doing comfort food.

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I'm a terrible procrastinator. Actually, I guess I'm a darn good procrastinator. Therefore I wait until the last possible minute. I don't, however, recommend that course of action. I guess ideally I would pack up all but the essentials within a week of moving and just plan a lot of sandwiches and other finger foods during that time.


I don't envy you!

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My ex & I owned a moving co, and I can tell you, if it is that important to you here, it will be that important to you there. Take it with you in the car, and pack it last, a day or so before the move. Take your meds with you, any "special friends" for the kids, and pack dishes, etc, at least a week before (you'll fall in love with plasticware and wonder where it was all your life). Pack these things with kitchen towels and pot holders so that when you unpack them you have a few kitchen towels and pot holders all ready to use in your new kitchen. Make sure you have large utensils, too--you don't want to replace those first thing!


Best of luck!

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I'm a terrible procrastinator. Actually, I guess I'm a darn good procrastinator. Therefore I wait until the last possible minute. I don't, however, recommend that course of action. I guess ideally I would pack up all but the essentials within a week of moving and just plan a lot of sandwiches and other finger foods during that time.


I don't envy you!


My problem seems to be that I can't make decisions about what is "essential." :lol:

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My problem seems to be that I can't make decisions about what is "essential." :lol:


You know, I guess that was always a part of my problem, too! I always figure that just as soon as I tape up the packed box, I will desperately need the item at the very bottom of the box. Moving Murhpy's Law.

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