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Quick and Easy Way to Give Stuff Away...

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I posted an add on Craigslist 30 minutes ago; I put two bags of toys, a box of shoes, and a bag of clothes on the curb and it is gone! We did this with our garage sale left overs a few months ago. It is so much easier than going to Goodwill or Salvation Army. Plus, at least last time we know that the people who took the free stuff REALLY needed it.


I am going to continue getting rid of things this way until my house is in order. If it has not home, it goes on the curb! We decided no more garage sales after the last one! It was a pain in the rear and we did not make enough money to make it worth our time.

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Good for you! I just used Craigslist for the first time today. Someone had agreed to buy my washer, and was going to pick it up today - I found out mid-day that she had changed her mind. :( I really needed it gone ASAP, so I put an ad up on Craigslist. The washer was gone from my house in less than 4 hours. :D

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We have bought, sold, and given away so much stuff on Craigslist in the last year! It has been great! Free stuff goes so fast. DH has picked up all of his garden supplies for free from Craigslist - good dirt and compost, woos for raised beds, hay and rocks for the pathways...

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I had to clean out my uncle's house out after he passed away a couple of years ago and it was a struggle trying to get it done when I lived six hours away. My husband posted "free stuff" on Craig's List if you showed up between certain hours. Some of the people where quite interesting to say the least. A couple of them even argued in the garage about whether to take the half empty cans of roach spray - they did. The next morning I cancelled the dumpster and saved myself over $500.00 and a lot of sweat.

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That is a good idea! I don't want to do any more garage sales either. They aren't worth it IMO.


We do have AmVets who pick up at the curb every few weeks. They mail out an envelope with the pickup date on it a couple weeks ahead, and inside is a pink plastic bag. You can also put other bags with the pink bag if you want. Easy peasy.

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