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Have you ever started a thread and then forgot what it was?

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I think I started a thread yesterday and now I can't find it. I don't even know what it was about. I just have this vague memory of asking a question and then we left for the evening to go to a friend's house for dinner. I searched for my name in the search feature and it didn't bring up threads I *do* remember starting so it doesn't seem like an efficient way to search. I know this sounds really dumb, but it is driving me crazy. Maybe I had a mild stroke in the night:confused:. I'll be 50 this year - Yikes! What will I be like when I am older???


From now on I am going to immediately subscribe to all threads I start.


ETA: Geesh!!! I meant to post this to the general board. I really am losing it!

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Well, if you post in the thread, you are automatically subscribed. Another way to view all the posts you have made is to view your public profile. (You can do that by clicking on your name in a post and then selecting view public profile.) Then there is the option to view all posts, as well as the ability to view all threads started by you. Just look about half-way down on the left under "Forum Info". :)

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Well, if you post in the thread, you are automatically subscribed.


Is there an option for this or something? The only threads I am ever subscribed to are ones I've chosen to be subscribed to. Nothing automatic has ever happened to me.

Well, I guess whenever I hear "Mommy!" my head turns towards the voice in an automatic sort of way.....

But...as far as this board is concerned....its making me work for it.

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Is there an option for this or something? The only threads I am ever subscribed to are ones I've chosen to be subscribed to.



In your user control panel, under 'edit option's there is a subscription option. You can change it to 'automatic instant email' or some such. Sometimes when I am spending too much time on the boards I go unsubscribe to everything and turn off my email notification. :tongue_smilie:

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Under Edit Options on the User CP go down to Default Thread Subscription Mode. I have mine set to No Email Notification. But any time I post to a thread, that thread will show up on my User CP page under the New Subscribed Threads box whenever there is a new reply.

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... you must be either (a) too tired; (b) too busy; or © both!


:grouphug: Get some rest and simplify, and your mind will return to you!


P.S. I walked into a room one day while visiting with my (elderly) parents, and I forgot what I had gone in there to retrieve. My dad was sitting there, just watching me scratch my head and look around, confused....:confused:


He quietly said, "You think THAT'S getting old, don't you? Oh, no. Getting old is when you stand at the bottom of the stairs, and you can't remember if you were on your way up, or if you just came down."

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