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Classical Conversations Cycle 1 & SOTW 1 Schedule

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I do not know of such a thing, but do you know that CC Cycle one is not just Ancient History? It covers a general World History with some Ancient and I think it goes up to a little bit of the 1800's. I'm not too thrilled with it b/c I'd rather CC devote a year to Ancient History, but we'll still do CC b/c we like the community. The History cards help with filling in the History holes, though.

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I have a syllabus that shows what to read for each week of Cycle 1 in SOTW. If anyone can tell me how to share it I will be glad too. One of my friends is a tutor and when she found out we were thinking of doing CC she sent it to me so I could see how it would work.

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If it's okay to share the doc, then you can select to reply to the post and the paperclip icon is in the box and you can click it to attach a document. When you select it, it will bring up a box for you to browse on your computer and select the document. There is a limit to the size that it will allow you to attach.

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It's posted in the files at the CC online community. So if you still have access there, you can pick it up. I'm not sure if I have permission to share it. But when I looked at it, it wasn't going to work for us. It doesn't cover enough since it is only 24 weeks. Honestly, I don't try to match it up. We started SOTW 1 again this summer. We will cycle back into SOTW 2 next year. I use CC as a review or an introduction and then remind them of the history sentence when we get to that point in our history book.

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I have looked at this pretty carefully and have decided for me that it is easier to coordinate the new timeline cards with SOTW. They follow SOTW very closely as far as topics go. It won't line up as you learn them because the entire timeline is used every year, but it works for us. I will just let the history sentences fall as they may. I'm not concerned that everything line up to the memory work.

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I have looked at this pretty carefully and have decided for me that it is easier to coordinate the new timeline cards with SOTW. They follow SOTW very closely as far as topics go. It won't line up as you learn them because the entire timeline is used every year, but it works for us. I will just let the history sentences fall as they may. I'm not concerned that everything line up to the memory work.




I wouldn't try to keep up with the history sentences. They go thru time pretty quickly. Our first time thru the cycle I did try to coordinate our history studies to the history sentences but I found that there was a lot we didn't cover that I would like to cover this time. However, we do practice our memory work even if it doesn't coordinate with what we are studying at the moment. I am comfortable with slowing down and savoring more history and literature. My goal is to be in about the same place as they are at the end of the next cycle 3. I do have the new time line cards and I am thinking about centering our history studies around them and going thru the first 50 or so that cover ancient history. Some weeks I may cover one card and some two.

I would also follow up each card with SOTW and Kingfisher. But there is still a place in my heart for the VP timeline cards and I am having a hard time letting them go. Last night I was comparing the two side by side and I really appreciate the church history in VP. I think the new CC timeline is weaker there. Those are my two cents.

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But there is still a place in my heart for the VP timeline cards and I am having a hard time letting them go. Last night I was comparing the two side by side and I really appreciate the church history in VP. I think the new CC timeline is weaker there. Those are my two cents.



I feel the same way - LOVED those old cards! I do like that the new ones add some more non-Western stuff though.


I scanned in all the timeline cards (both VP & CC) and combined them into one huge Word doc. (Dates across the center line, CC cards on top, VP cards on bottom.) I didn't want my kids to forget the ones that we already learned & I want them to know where they fit in the new timeline, and I want them to see where the new cards are the same as the old ones, just sometimes called something a little different.


I also put the corresponding CC history sentences under the cards. That way when we get to that timeline event, we will review the ones we have learned previously. (In another year, we will have been through all the cycles, so they should ALL be review!)


My plan is to print the whole document (72 pages!) duplexed on cardstock, and then bind it. One copy per kid to keep in the car for review. If you would like a copy and your email will accept large files, email me. megan.welfare@gmail.com


Anyone else who would like a copy, let me know. In order to avoid copyright violations, I would like to only share with those who have purchased BOTH the VP timeline cards as well as the CC timeline cards. Please confirm that when you email me!

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