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I would have said a "no". Certainly for a 6 week commitment. There is just NO way we could do it. I am not comfortable having people over my house, it makes me a nervous wreck. Does that mean I should never go over anyone else's house when they invite me? That doesn't quite seem right either. Just because we aren't confident, extroverted enough to have people over our house shouldn't mean we have to live as hermits.


You have no ideas about how this couple may support missions in other areas that are in there comfort zone, financially, prayerfully, etc...it is unfair for you to assume they will be able to (and even be required to) serve as you choose to.


I hope none of this comes off as harsh, but I think you really need to see it from their point of view as well.




Ummm. Sorry, but did you read my follow up post from earlier today? It may give you a little more insight into this couple and my relationship with them. I know this couple VERY well and have a long history with them. Everything just sort of came to a head in my frustration after that conversation. I'm fine now. I'm over it. I suppose that I shouldn't have even posted here. I just felt like I was going to exploded and needed to release somewhere and you guys got the brunt of it. Sorry.

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No problem. I actually started a new post today and I guess a moderator decided it should be tagged on the original post so people knew what I was talking about. But then, of course, you're just going to read the original post and respond to that. It can all get very confusing.:001_smile:

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Your blessing is that you and your husband have the gift of hospitality. And a lot of people don't have this gift. Were the young couple within their rights to refuse? Yes. It is a great opportunity to share what they have, and they decided not to go for it. This couple is going to miss out on the blessing that they would have received.


It sounds like you might have to find several folks to tag team this one.


And it is frustrating that people don't take opportunities to exercise hospitality. I know, because I've made excuses to not have strangers in my home, but when my husband and I finally did have a couple over, we received the greatest blessing.


Finally, I think your response was a slight over reaction. I don't believe it was right to try and convict the young couple that they should reciprocate just because you have had them over all these years. It takes away from the gift that you have given them, the gift of your hospitality. And, I believe, that once you try to gain payback for your gift, God takes away the blessing of your gift.


Well, because God has given you peace about finding lodging for your guests, I know that you have given the whole situation to Him.



Claire in NM

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Ummm. Sorry, but did you read my follow up post from earlier today? It may give you a little more insight into this couple and my relationship with them. I know this couple VERY well and have a long history with them. Everything just sort of came to a head in my frustration after that conversation. I'm fine now. I'm over it. I suppose that I shouldn't have even posted here. I just felt like I was going to exploded and needed to release somewhere and you guys got the brunt of it. Sorry.


Megan, I'm really sorry. I did edit my response but must have been typing at the same time as you were typing this. I'm very sorry.



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Erica, honestly there are a lot of times where I do too much, not because I feel obligated so much as because dh drags me into it. He says we have the gift of hospitality. I say that he has the gift of inviting. I don't want this to turn into a husband bashing post, but in all reality, he asks me to do too much. I've talked to him numerous times and it is slowly getting better, but only in very small increments. It's an area of our marriage that needs work, but other than addressing it and praying about it, there's not much I can do.


In this case, however, I really do feel like God has empowered me to do this. In advance I was looking feverishly for housing for this group because I didn't want to have to house them all myself. After the horrible conversation with that couple, I just came to the conclusion that I needed to be prepared to have them here at the house, and a tremendous peace came over me. I've been very peaceful about it since then, and I've been so filled with patience and grace since they've been here (very out of character for me - I'm usually really stressed by lots of guests), that I know that it can only be from God.



I understand better now, Megan. That is so hard, when a couple has differing ideas of how things should be done-- and especially so when one spouse's expectations so directly affect the other. I'm glad that you're talking to dh and praying about it. You're right, that's the best thing you can do.


I'm glad you've been able to find peace in hosting these houseguests. I hope that you will continue to be blessed throughout their visit.



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