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Scheduling Story of the World


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We do a chapter a week. so 36 chapters in the formal school year.


The rest of the chapters (6 I think for current one) is for summer school, informal schooling, to do at our own leisure during the hols.


But we have a lot of supplements, I use History Odyssey, the Activity Book, Library Books and Movies. So if you were just reading the book, once every 6 weeks just add in another chapter.

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We skipped the additional reading. mapwork, and activities of some chapters that weren't of great interest to my dc. We would just add them in as a read aloud at bedtime or on a weekend. If you are planning on following the 4 year rotation you will get to them again and make sure you study them in more depth.

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We're not tied to a 36-week school year, so the 42 chapters isn't an issue. We usually start with SOTW a week or so before adding other subjects, and the same at the end of the year (a few weeks of just SOTW). I've also sometimes combined shorter chapters and done two in one week (we don't do many projects, mostly just reading and mapwork). HTH!

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We did one SECTION of a chapter per day, 3 days a week. That works out pretty close to 36 weeks (or maybe 34? I forget). Some chapters have 1 or 2 sections, so that's how you make up time doing it that way.


I actually put the number of sections per chapter in a spreadsheet, then selected them all to sum them up. Yes, I'm a geek. :lol:

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