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Quick Question re SOTW Narration


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I like the fact that the SOTW Activity Guide provides the questions to ask at the end of each section but I am confused. Are they suppose to answer the questions AND provide a narration also?


My two guys are 6 YO first graders and we are doing WWE 1 also, which has them answer questions and then "tell me one thing you remember about the passage". So, to date, this is as close to narration as we have gotten. Should we be doing something similar to this for SOTW?


How do you do it with your younger ones?

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I have yet to start SOTW, but my assumption is the same as in FLL and WWE and designed to get your child comprehending and remembering what was read. So, my guess would be they are supposed to narrate as well. But, I'm :bigear: too! :)


When reading TWTM, that's what it sounds like, that they should narrate. But the reason I am confused is that it seems that they are still learning to narrate via WWE 1 and they are only up to answering questions and then "what is one thing you remember about the passage' so far in WWE 1.


Would you think that you would take the same approach with all your narrations that you are following in WWE 1, since it is suppose to be teaching how to narrate? Presumably, WWE 1 will move them forward to narrating two sentences and then, eventually, three, etc. So, as they would move forward in their narration skills with WWE 1, they would apply the same skills to history and science?


Is this right? Anybody?

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Well . . .


At our house, the dc usually hate answering the questions and want to do the narration and be done with it. :D So, I don't ask questions anymore unless they are stuck with what to narrate next. DD6 needs more questions than DS8.


I wouldn't worry too much about what they're doing in WWE vs. SOTW. Haven't used WWE 1, but do children need to *learn* how to narrate? If you asked your dc "What happened at the soccer game today?", they could tell you a story, right? It's the same idea when you ask them to narrate what they just heard. HTH a little!

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I'm not sure why, but SOTW AG seems to run a year ahead of what WWE asks them to do (eg., SOTW4 AG includes outlining, which is recommended in 5th grade).


Now I did just ask for a narration, and my son was able to do that, but if your kids aren't ready, just ask "What is one thing you remember" and keep it just like WWE. No big deal. :)

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