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Book Cataloging Software or App?

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How do you all catalog your books, if indeed you do? We have bookshelves all over the house plus boxes in the basement, and sometimes when we are looking for a book we can't find it, especially if it's in a box. My idea is to go thru every box and create a sheet to tape on the outside that labels the contents.


Of course our other problem is that when we go to a bookstore sometimes we can't remember if we have a certain book or not, or what condition it's in, etc. My dream here is to have every book loaded into some kind of *easy to use* software (I am afraid a typical spreadsheet would make my head explode) that I could store on my iphone! Does that exist?

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I think LibraryThing is a more common choice, but I'm using Goodreads. I like the recommendations, reviews and looking at other lists.


I use GoodReads, too ... just for what I'm currently reading, so it includes borrowed books and Kindle books.

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