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Science/math question

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Not really sure where to post this question. My dd is technically in 7th grade but has been working through Apologia Biology (reading at home, labs at co-op). Math-wise,however, she is working through TT7 and Life of Fred Fractions. I know she needs to get through Algebra I before moving on to chemistry. Should 8 have her take a break from science, once she's finished bio, to get caught up in math, or should I have her do another science? Does that make any sense?

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I see no need to take a break from science (unless you need to free up timein a crazy schedule). There is plenty of science that can be done with little math. She could study geology, astronomy (which are usually shortchanged in the traditional high school series), or another field of biology in depth (botany, anatomy, marine biology...). Or do some "physical science". Or do some conceptual chemistry (she does not have to do stoichiometry or reaction kinetics; there is plenty in chemistry where basic arithmetic is sufficient). Or read a variety of living books on all kinds of science topics.

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Has she had physical science, earth and space science, etc. already before the biology? If not, you could do those. My dd did BJU Bio in 7th and is doing Chem in 8th, but she'd had Alg I/II in 7th. The algebra definitely helped, but I suppose it depends on what chemistry you are going to use. I wouldn't stop science altogether.

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I'm thinking I'll either have her just listen in/help with her brothers science over the summer while we get her caught up, somewhat in math, or have her do General Science on her own while also having her help her brother. Maybe.


From what I've read, Apologia's General Science is one of the least liked of their science texts, but I don't know personally as we didn't use it. It's better than doing no science, but why not do one, physical science or integrated physics and chemistry, which will help prepare her for chemistry the following year?

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