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Tips to Enhance Learning....


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I recently listed to a couple of homeschool speakers who gave some tips that may enhance learning. Here is what they said:


1. Being able to see trees or greenery out a window, in the room you HS in, helps enhance learning.


2. Painting your HS room green also help by making your feel like you are outside.


3. Ferns and Ivies clean the air in your house better that commercial air purifiers.


I don't know if all the above is true, but I think they would be interesting to try.


What tips have you heard or learned that can enhance learning?

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I always studied best in the uni library when I could get a table near the window that looked out onto the ferns. :) Sometimes the staring helps. It makes space in your brain for the right answer to jump in. I also study better next to a wall. I always hated being seated in the middle of the room for exams...


As to #3. I think opening windows does a better job of cleaning the air and windows don't die from lack of, or an overdose of water or sunlight!




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I have noticed my kids actually learn better and seem more joyful when they are outside or have had a lot of out door time. We take things outside whenever possible. I actually just posted about this looking to expand ideas on what can be done outside. So I find these tips very encouraging.

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We try to follow the rule of see it, do it, write it, teach it. We incorporate hands on and environment as much as possible. For example, this past week ds learned about Easter Island. We went outside and measured the average and tallest height of the stone heads. We handled pumice, the stone they were made of. We looked at a map and measured the distance between the island and South America and the island/New Zealand. He did research in the encyclopedia and online and compared theories. Finally, he presented to me all of his findings and his own thoughts.


When he was younger we used to read books with a setting that encouraged immersion: Treasure Island from the top of a cliff overlooking the harbor. Ralph S. Mouse lying on the floor. Little House during the middle of a snowy winter in the kitchen, making maple syrup candy.


I think this is the reason we eschew textbooks whenever possible. There are more opportunities to dive in with a selection of real books.

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