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Anybody NOT like GWG???

Pam L.

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I am seriously considering this program. I have been to their website and read many postiive reviews both here and other places. Now, I am wondering is there someone who was unhappy with this program? Or maybe it just wasn't a good fit? Can someone share the negatives (aside from little color/pictures)?


I appreciate any and all help you can offer. Feel free to either respond here, email, or pm me.


Thank you,


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It wasn't a good fit for my dd, but it was probably more because of age. I tried GWG 1/2 with her when she was in first grade. She went through the program just fine. She was a strong reader and could complete the pages independently which she loved. There wasn't a lot of writing which was a good thing for her. The problem was that she had no retention. I don't think anything grammar wise was going to stick with her in first grade. I was sad that she wasn't retaining the information, because I really liked the program. It was very straight forward and easy to use. I might consider it again when she is older.



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I checked out the website because of recommendations and good reviews here. One question I had, though, was whether the author has any background in English or grammar. I know she is a homeschooler, so I am sure she has btdt with other grammar programs, etc., and of course she could research the grammar as good as the next...just want to make sure that what I would be buying is a sound and complete program.

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I really like it. My older dd is working through it. I tried it with my second dd, but she wasn't ready for it, yet. I think she will be ready in another year. My degree is in Linguistics (if that means anything to you) and I think it's a solid program. :)


Oh, I would say that gives you good standing to judge the program. :001_smile:

Thanks for your thoughts.

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We tried this for ds in 3rd grade I think it was...or maybe 4th? He was doing it himself, so I think it was 4th. Anyway, I would have him read the assignment and do the page....he wasn't getting anything out of it that way. We went to CW-Aesop and just used the writing/grammar there.

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I've been using GWG 1/2. It has been a very good fit for us. Our homeschool group had a Language Arts night where we brought all of our LA materials to share with the other moms. I was so excited to share GWG because so many of them had never seen it. However, after that night I was very intimidated by Shurley. GWG is definitely not as "intense" (not sure if that is the right word) as Shurley. GWG 1/2 spends a lot of time on each part of speech, and is divided by nouns, verbs, etc. Shurley seems to throw them all together quickly so the child sees them integrated in sentences.


So, in my panic :001_smile: I went out and purchased a used copy of Shurley. I do like a lot that it has to offer--jingles, parsing, vocabulary--but quickly calmed down regarding my discontent with GWG. My daughter is doing well with retention and a more gentle intro to grammar is completely fine at this age. I may add some of the things I like about Shurley into our year next year, but I don't think it is necessary. I have not seen any other editions of GWG, but have gathered from posts here that diagramming begins in GWG 3. Her plan is probably to introduce the children to the parts of speech in 1/2, using repetition and workbook exercises to increase retention, in order to lay a foundation for seeing all the pieces working together in 3.


I'm an English major and love grammar for all that's worth. I do feel that this is a very good program, and my daughter LOVES it...to me that is the most important thing.

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I'm another that wasn't too impressed with GWG. We used it all the way through the first year and it was rather a waste of time. The work is so simple that there is virtually no thought involved. And since he didn't have to think about it, it didn't stick.

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I appreciate the time each of you took to respond to this. I especially liked reading the responses from the English & Linguistics majors!


I guess as with any other curriculum - nothing is perfect for everyone.



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