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Online classes

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Ds is going to be starting 9th grade in the Fall. Dh sent me an email with the fact that NJ is offering a free virtual academy. I explained why I feel it is not a good fit for us. He comes out with he feels it is important that ds gets some cookie cutter class experience to prepare him for the reality of college. I explain that ds will be doing foreign language online next year. Dh feels he should do one other class this way.


I don't disagree that outsourcing something else would be a good idea but I don't know what to outsource. So far, I am comfortable teaching science, and english, and math. So I am taking it to the hive for suggestions on online classes appropriate for a 9th grader who is bright but an average student.

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My son will be taking online classes next year for the first time as well.


As far as picking classes to outsource, I looked at the classes I wanted him to have and then chose the subjects that either I was unable to (skill or timewise) and then those that I just don't enjoy as much. Also think about what classes he might glean more from by having interaction with others (discussion from multiple viewpoints not just mom's) or is there a subject that he works okay for you but not great where he might benefit from someone else correcting his mistakes.


Not sure if that's helpful to you but when I though through these things it helped me identify which areas to outsource that would be most beneficial to him and to me.

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I believe he your son is the perfect math for honors courses. They provide a small amount of challenge without the mega work loads of AP. May I ask what is his learning style. If you husband would like him to learn cookie cutter school classes maybe he should take some sort of credit at the CC. As far as online course I reccommend keystone pm me with any of your questions. Hope I helped :001_smile:

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Do you have the list of classes available through the NJ virtual school? If so, look at them with your son and let him choose. Make sure that your husband understands that these are probably not just online classes, but virtual classes for which your son will need to be on the computer at a set time each and every school day. For this reason, we haven't considered virtual classes as it's too restricting. They may also offer just online ones which can be completed at the student's own pace, but I'd check ahead of time. A computer course might be a good one to take online.


As far as prepping for the reality of college classes, IMO you can't beat cc, or other college, courses for that. Definitely check with your local cc to see when he could take courses and have him take the placement test too so you know if there's anything you need to work on before he retakes it - if necessary.

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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