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Church kidnapping

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My first thought:

Great. It's an A/G church. Way to give us a bad name.

And when I saw the video, I couldn't even watch. I don't know, it just seems too overdramatic. With the saying that it 'left scars, both physical and emotional.' Bruises aren't scars. They're bruises. :confused: It just seems a little theatrical and overdone to me.

Obviously, I don't think what they did is a good idea. DH and I don't get why people want so badly to replicate the persecuted church. Be aware of it? Absolutely. Replicate it? Why?

There are better ways to go about it. Read the youth group real accounts of people who have been persecuted and/or martyred for their faith. Ours has done that before and it was done well - no 'kidnappings' or trying to stage it to that extreme (they did keep it pretty quiet and somber, as opposed to what it usually is, though.)

I don't know. Idiots are everywhere.

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Just out of curiosity, why? PM me if you'd rather. I'm honestly just wondering.

Films like Jesus Camp, knowing people who have come out of AoG and other more extremely charismatic churches.


Branches of evangelical Christianity where there is a strong charismatic element seem to consistently have more attraction to these types of theatrics than other branches of evangelicalism which are drawn to their own pitfalls.


I have heard some wild and crazy stories out of pentocostalism and witnessed enough of it myself to find myself saying "This is extreme no matter what background you come from - but the branch most likely to fall prey to this is most likely charismatic in flavor."


(And I am not opposed to speaking in tongues, faith healing, laying on of hands and anointing with oil, prophecy and word of knowledge, etc... - I believe in those things :). It's more the whole package of strong emphasis on charismatic experiences + lack of critical thinking that I think led to people thinking this would be an important EXPERIENCE for teens to go through without much pause. You find that combination *most often* in the charismatic world.

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