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Blogging my journey...

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I've been wanting to try to do this for sometime. I've just been to scared. But, now I'm ready. Tonight I started a new blog to record my journey of losing the weight I need to lose.


Quiver really encouraged me today. I was having a hard time, but, she showed me it was possible. This journey started one month ago. I will be weighing in next week to see how I'm doing.


Anyway, if you are interested, or if you have your own blog about this, post it for me. We can help each other out!:D


The link is the Healthy Mom link in my signature!

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Thank you for blogging your weight loss journey. I know it's difficult but I know you will be an encouragement for many people traveling the same road.


It is a journey. One day at a time. Each day is new and you get to start again. I've been on this road for 18 months now and I have a ways to go yet but it some ways it really is a road to freedom.

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I've been wanting to try to do this for sometime. I've just been to scared. But, now I'm ready. Tonight I started a new blog to record my journey of losing the weight I need to lose.


Quiver really encouraged me today. I was having a hard time, but, she showed me it was possible. This journey started one month ago. I will be weighing in next week to see how I'm doing.


Anyway, if you are interested, or if you have your own blog about this, post it for me. We can help each other out!:D


The link is the Healthy Mom link in my signature!


You are doing a great and brave thing. I really think this will help you on your journey! I was very overweight for a number of years, and made it to a healthy place about five years ago (would still like to be a bit more :tongue_smilie: ) so I know you can do it. I like how you are placing as much importance on the journey as you are the end goal. That's most of the battle, enjoying the journey.


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